Imagine what the devs can get out of this thing in 6 years...

Imagine what the devs can get out of this thing in 6 years. What Naughty Dog can do with their next gen game (Last of Us 2, story aside, was arguably the best looking video game of all time).

The launch games will be something spectacular, but games put out in 2026 could actually be close to photorealism.

Attached: PS5.png (782x441, 146.02K)

the leap between ps3 > ps4

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 24.74K)

So 30FPS then

Attached: Best I Can Do.png (2000x1000, 544.54K)

You’re assume games as a whole have been stunted by the ps4, you are slightly right but also a complete fucking moron. Kill yourself.

Attached: 1592247955034.png (518x673, 156.08K)

TLOU2 is boring to look at. Realism always is.

dunno lol

Attached: tkmiz.jpg (1920x1920, 525.99K)

This. Wind Waker on GameCube looks better than TLOU 2 even though it has far worse graphics.

bing bang wahoo

threadly reminder that you guys post in a shill thread

>launch games will be spectecular
yeah like they were at every other console...

SJWs are such weak faggots they boycott anything that offends them or might potentially show them something that does not reflect their worldview

I won't be buying a trannystation 5 and will stick to nintendo games as long as they don't add agendas to their IPs

Still getting a ps5

So they just turned the brightness down?

Makes sense, hollywood does that too. Most of Pacific Rim takes place at night because the cgi looked like shit in a daytime scene.

>SJWs are such weak faggots they boycott anything that offends them or might potentially show them something that does not reflect their worldview
>I won't be buying a trannystation 5 and will stick to nintendo games as long as they don't add agendas to their IPs
How ironic

>SJWs are such weak faggots they boycott anything that offends them


>I won't be buying a trannystation 5 and will stick to nintendo games as long as they don't add agendas to their IPs

So you're doing the exact same thing? You Zig Forumsfags are absolute retards

do you really not see the irony in your post, or are you just having a laugh?

This is quality bait

graphics hardly matter if your game is shit, OP. I'm looking forward to what jap devs can do since western devs seem to focus on cinematics exclusively

Attached: 1592754094687.jpg (750x932, 71.26K)

This good graphics is great and all but it doesn't matter if the game is shit. I'd rather devs utilize new hardware to focus on advancing game engines with smarter ai and interesting features. Plus art design I think is more important than graphical fidelity aside from framerate.

>Last of Us 2, story aside, was arguably the best looking video game of all time
It's note ven better looking than RDR2, which is nearly two years old already

ps4 games look the same as they did in 2013.

We hit the diminishing returns wall pretty hard. Ray tracing and DLSS are the future, but that's it for now. The days of advancing graphics during the course of a generation are gone.

>the launch games will be something spectacular

like what? what is a spectacular launch game on the ps5? i will probably get it but so far it looks like it has no games

is there a single good launch game on this shiz

based blind user

The leap we're about to have is even higher than ps1 to ps2 and ps2 to ps3. The fact the TLOU2 can look that good on PS4 hardware makes me cooooooooooom for what's about to be unleashed in a few months.

link a good exclusive game coming to the ps5 u fagot shil

rent free

Still getting a ps5

but tlou2 on survivor has some of the best AI I've ever seen in a shooter game


looks good. could be fun. I like the brand

>no games

nothing the announced is a system seller

Then why did nothing from soys presentation show such a leap?

I don't care how powerful it is if it still runs games at shit framerates. The point of good hardware is to make gameplay smoother, more responsive and more emergent. Bumping up graphics at this point is a waste of time.

I don't understand who thought this was clever

It doesn't even look right. You could just put a wojak head at the top of anything tall

>Imagine what the devs can get out of this thing in 6 years
hopefully good temps

Attached: PS55.jpg (379x304, 20.41K)

yeah what the heck? I thought the new ratched game looks good (I never played a ratched game) read up on it and found out its 30fps? on the ps5? literally what the heck? whats the fucking point of a new console even if its still 30fps lmao what the heck literally

>he didn't saw ratchet n clank

That demo was the only prerelease demo I've trusted in a long time, and that's specifically because it looked disappointing. Especially in its technical aspects.