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Did he learn how to play guitar while his wife was busy getting fucked by Tyrone and his homies?

Damn, ngl he looks cool.

>fucked by Tyrone and his homies?
You mean Mike and his go go gadget cock?

His cucked history graph is a fucking sine wave, he goes from cuck to based to cuck in record time.

Mike is too busy plowing that Erin chick.

Jesus Christ, you guys are always obsessed with cucking, huh

always love the comments on AVGN threads. the jealousy is palpable


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It's a rent free thing.
It's really such a shame James is stuck doing some half-hearted AVGN episodes, some GG ripoff, and some RLM ripoff. It's clear his passion is filmmaking, even if it's largely in the realm of zero-budget rehashes of public domain horror movies he watched as a kid.
>ywn see James make and direct another Snix or Dead Head

Mike cucking James is just funny because we all know I actually got nothing here lol.

Caucasian sausage fest.

This is the happiest I've seen james look in ages.
Glad he finally enjoyed making a new video

It's a newfag thing, just let them enjoy themselves and ignore them

now take off the hat

Thought this was going to be super cringe but turns out it's fun.

Honestly, I've reached a point where I don't think it's like that.

Some people just lose their touch, it doesn't mean their heart isn't in it anymore. I just can't see James as being someone who's pressing on against his own intentions.

that dogshit tattoo

This is what peak boomer looks like. You may not like it but this is it.


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>going bald scares him
never gonna make it.

Considering most of the recent AVGN reviews have been shit, with him just sitting idle on a couch instead of doing anything, and blaming it all on the pandemic? If he isn't devoid of drive, he's just devoid of energy. Most of AVGN as a whole was done by him solo, with occasional guest appearances. It's not like he needs the screenwave crew there to film things.

i'm going to need source on this, i'll wager that there is zero evidence or proof that his wife sleeps around at all, much less with black guys

Mike is supposedly packing major meat

i'm not the one covering bald spot with a hat

they are americans

Rent free

looks like he is ready for the gaybar

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>being scared of wearing hats
lmao bro kys

Wearing hats indoors is pretty gay

His wife's black baby he raises is proof enough.

tattoos are cringe

He looks like that pedophile from that one episode of black mirror

James basically thinks his knowledge on cinema is legendary because he knows about the original Thing. He thinks he's the only person in the fucking world who knows it exists so feels like bringing it up endlessly as if it's showcasing his horror movie knowledge penis. The fact of the matter is no one talks about the original because it's a laughably bad B movie. His video was absolute shit, the arguments he was making really help expose his laughably low IQ. The Carpenter remake is just a gore fest and nothing else! Nevermind the memorable characters, mystery of keeping track of their alibis to determine who could've become the thing, the paranoia and atmosphere. Then the original thing has atrocious characters, you're just waiting for the next jumpscare where a man in a rubber suit jumps out to say ooga booga. His whole video is literally "it's good because it's old and obscure (it's not obscure)". James Rolfe? More like Cringe Rolfe.

>being scared of being gay
what are you a faggot?

>I invented indie filmmaking.
- James Rolfe

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>It's clear his passion is filmmaking
You ever watch the AVGN movie or watch any of his film criticism? It's so "I just made a account for IMDB" tier, so surface level and mundane.

>>>/incel/ internet celebrities