Zig Forumsidya Draw Thread

Previous Thread >Post references and names in one post
>Keep it vidya origin, no OCs
>No shitposting, bumping requests or misusing Loomis and other artist names
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>When posting a delivery PLEASE don't forget to link to the anchor post.
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW:
vidyart.booru.org/ (current)
vidyart2.booru.org/ (backup)
Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!

NSFW Deliveries (excluding loli/furry content) should also be posted in
For NSFW Deliveries that go against the rules like loli/furry try these sites:
catbox.moe/ or imgur.com/

Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky
Drawing Books and drawing programs:


Attached: 1594219750479.png (2300x1659, 3.72M)

Other urls found in this thread:

urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Blue Plate Special

Anchor Post.

Attached: 00be2c81b559edf4bcf889a7b30043ccbdb8c1f7.png (1080x1157, 2.13M)

Requesting Coco Bandicoot cosplaying as Rutherfor (left) or Kororo's true form (right) from Shaman King

Some additional suggestions

>If Rutherfor
Then playing with a tiny ovni shaped like a Wumpa fruit
>If Kororo
Then with a tiny Koropokkuru Aku Aku

Attached: shaman_king.jpg (1837x850, 268.27K)

Requesting Parappa singing "Sweat" by Inner Circle: youtu.be/5M65q33b6hc in front of Lammy and Rammy with both of them reacting differently. Lammy happy and humming around, totally unaware of the double entendre. Rammy trying to hide her blushing and flipping the bird.

Attached: Ive_been_watching_you.jpg (1140x700, 300.05K)

Requesting the comic on the left with Wii Fit trainer and Ring Fit Trainer

Attached: 1594031377326.jpg (1024x680, 156.19K)

Requesting Asahi all sweaty and pulling her zipper all the way down to cool off. Optionally with her arms up to show her cute, sweaty pits.

Attached: SMT Asahi.png (616x1766, 960.36K)


Attached: 1593370102444.png (2258x1212, 1.7M)

Coco stuck in a gloryhole while Crash spanks her with a paddle with airholes.


Sasuga faggotron 3000, I'll be drawing Azur Lane and I'm gonna post it here so you can keep bitching about it.

Attached: 1588792779383.png (837x667, 227.58K)

Please OP artist, don't die!

Requesting a cutelewd of Peeka and Lahla from Paper Mario: TTYD both licking a huge penis on it's sides, a little symmetrically. Make their tongues a decent size too, doesn't need to be as big as the ref but similar.

Attached: PeekaLahlaBooRef.png (192x231, 15.24K)

Requesting Van practicing his Oiroke no Jutsu

Attached: Vanished.jpg (1235x685, 278.75K)

Who are those.

Bea from Pokemon getting full-nelsoned and tickle tortured by two Machamps. One Machamp is behind her giving her anal. One pair of its hands is giving her the nelson headlock while the other pair is holding her legs open, forcing her into a spread eagle. The other Machamp is banging away in her pussy with one set of its hands tickling her armpits while the other pair is tickling her ribs. She should have the expression in pic posted as she's on the verge of cumming really hard.

Attached: test.png (150x144, 31.95K)

AZF at least try to be less obvious.
>Turns out AZF hates Crash

Attached: crashworried.png (522x476, 298.98K)

Requesting a Clavat at the beach in cute swimwear. Ideally something like in the reference, flower in hair, holding a swim-ring, looking generally excited etc.

Attached: Crystal Chronicle Clavat.jpg (2334x2982, 595.78K)

The fact he did this a few days ago means he levels up like fucking crazy

Attached: ViewtifulCoco.jpg (600x840, 151.9K)


Requesting this but with Megaman and Dr. Wily's Castle in the background.

Attached: Casshern Sins Gif.gif (500x281, 824.17K)

Requesting toki tori using his Snail Sucker or Freeze-o-matic on enemies of other franchises. Like a demon from dmc or goomba from mario

Attached: 1594247047332.jpg (2896x2896, 469K)

He's the one behind the Sonic slapping Crash request, but I'm not sure about that one.

To be frank it was obvious.
Only him could be this dumb.

If can't be possible!
What's their secret!

Attached: 1583547947645.jpg (257x257, 14.28K)

Requesting this meme with Skelly and Anahita from Monster Girl Gamu, the text being the same

Attached: Manboobs.jpg (1280x1296, 326.28K)

A dumb bird and a smelly thief who fail miserably.

Requesting 5volt in her underwear playing video games. Sort of in a similar pose to this: files.catbox.moe/zuppb4.jpg

Attached: 5Volt.png (895x2500, 969.53K)

Requesting any cute lewds and nude art about Monica from Little Witch Nobeta.
Nude body reference: pixiv.net/en/artworks/82695399
Make her body doll-like too.

Attached: __monica_little_witch_nobeta_drawn_by_karukan_monjya__dbb3d0d74190aead5c6c8e803d24b052.png (857x1400, 891.81K)

Attached: nina 2.png (854x1290, 49.24K)

Requesting Makoto with her boobs painted like two huge nuts

Attached: 1593842035095.jpg (600x800, 128.01K)

Dan Hibiki doing the Raging Demon on Sakura, But instead of obliterating her soul it obliterates all her clothes instead.

Raging Demon: streetfighter.fandom.com/wiki/Shun_Goku_Satsu In the game only Akuma and Ryu can do it. But in the official Street Fighter Manga Dan can do it to although with... mixed results.

Attached: unnamed.jpg (370x512, 69.02K)

Requesting Adeleine begging not to be erased by a giant eraser. Then she paints herself back into existence.

Attached: Adeleine.png (350x382, 181.94K)

Attached: 1521233158534.jpg (697x697, 80.58K)


Requesting Acerola and Moon, fully clothed, giving the BLUE PLATE SPECIAL in this exact angle:
No preference on which girl is on which end, but make the bj extra sloppy with dripping drool and spit bubbles.
urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Blue Plate Special

Attached: Them.png (775x775, 632.33K)

Requesting JC Denton and Adam Jensen hanging out together on a balcony on a summer night like the two guys in the link.

Attached: Deus Ex Chilled.png (1298x547, 895.18K)

Requesting Rydia getting fucked in PoV missionary with her legs forcefully held spread, though I'm also fine with other positions.
Skin-tight leotard mostly kept on, and optionally with a slight bulge forming from the large insertion.

Attached: Rydia FFIV.png (1080x818, 1.98M)

a bird thot from a niche fighting game that has just been cracked today.

Requesting Isabelle driving the islands to bankruptcy.

Attached: Isabelle.png (838x762, 682.69K)

Requesting C-Sha. She represents Capcom in Neptunia, so anything Capcom related (cosplays, parodies, crossovers, whatever) would be great. Also anything cool or lewd.

Attached: C-Sha (Capcom from Neptunia VII).jpg (2200x2829, 819.44K)

Requesting Edelgard in a catsuit.

Attached: 1593344278239.png (2120x1221, 1.16M)

Every great artist is secretly a furry that's how they became legends.

Tex Avery, Osamu Tezuka, Walt Disney and even Leonardo Da Vinci.

Requesting a follow-up with Elora the Faun and Coco Bandicoot fusion.

Attached: fusion-1.jpg (954x1739, 242.19K)

He's evolving too fast!
Someone stop him!

Requesting Julianne Stingray feeding her cat, Fore, after coming home from work.

Attached: Feeding Fore.png (1284x700, 845.16K)