Play Mary Skelter

Play Mary Skelter

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Okay. I'll push through the second game. The yuri stuff is really off putting to me though. Poor Jack really got the short end of the stick there.

are you implying I can impregnate this girl

I bought the game during the sale but it don't run on my PC. I'll have to wait next week when I get a few new parts.

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this turning into yurishit in the second game is enough to turn me off of the first

same with that other shitty nightmare sequel that is also yurishit now and censored because of snoy

Fuck that yuri bullshit.

She seems very enthusiastic

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Be ready for crashes

It being yuribait doesn't matter much in the second game because of what happens at the end, and the game goes back to being het in the first game.

2nd game is yurishit, not interested.

why should I

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because it's fun

oh fuck this then, dropped as well, not into being a cuck

but is it fun and difficult?

The story of 2 is still important for 3

Playing second game right now. My only problem for now are only those side quests where you have fight rare enemies, spawning them can be a little pain.

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I'm aware of the spoiler in question that acts as a catalyst for the yuribait in the sequel. Did you sperg and mean to say that it goes back to het in the second game and not the first?

on hard, sure

I already did. When are the other games coming to PC?

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Here's to hoping that it doesn't get that bad for Final since Jack is still around as a main character for it.

1 was the worst dungeon crawler i've played, and i played a whole fucking lot of 'em. These huge fucking empty maps are pure dogshit.

Not very soon or never. License problems.

July 2018 is when 2 came out on Switch/PS4 so it feels like never for PC because of licensing.

For two character backstories and some lore bits yes, but nothing compared to 1's revelations.
Ultimately it's deciding if you want to wait until Finale to watch all the unvoiced cutscenes or just play 2 and 1.

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I mean for sure, but Tsu basically being for Little Mermaid while Jack keeps his harem is pretty cemented unless they change it up in Finale.

I was trying to get at 2 being the "prequel" game and the new collection even telling you to play 2 first then 1 because of continuity/multiverse shit. Considering that Jack and Tsu were the only ones to get their memories back of Tsu's world and Tsu was still willing to fuck everyone over in Jack's world by trying to resurrect Little Mermaid, unless they mess with some shit in Finale Jack will still get whatever harem he has while Tsu devotes herself to getting that fish tail. Probably even more so because there a re 6 fucking MCs this time around.

I'm tempted to grab the first on Switch while the sale is on if the second and third isn't gonna come to PC at all.

Why licensing? I mean, the first one's complete on PC and it's got most of the same characters. I think the only new one on 2 is Tsuu or whatever her name is, given that Little Mermaid was mentioned on Mary Skelter 1

Second game comes with first game on Switch

I'm an extremely unsuspicious old man, hm hm hm
Don't pay me any mind

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say sike, that's pretty sweet

no you fucking shit
unless I get a guarantee that they'll bring the rest of the trilogy to the PC, I am not going to waste my time playing a game that will leave me hanging

Ask Iffy or Ghostlight, I just know that Ghostlight has a license and there are some problems with it. Mary Skelter 2 was released like year ago, PC port would be available at this point. Unless, they're waiting for third game so they could release as bundle or something.

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16 bucks and it's both games without the snoy censorship

time to consoom, thanks anons