What comfy games let me wander in an engaging and gorgeous map at my pace (preferably with more rewarding exploration)?
Games for this feel?
Should have started with a coomer pic
A Short Hike is nice.
Thanks, gonna check that out.
>What comfy games let me wander in an engaging and gorgeous map at my pace (preferably with more rewarding exploration)?
In my opinion, no game world has ever compared to the sheer beauty and brilliance of The Witness.
Have you played Myst though? Not beautiful per se but beautiful for the time and much more engaging than The Witness.
Gonna try these too, thank you
Windwaker has really gorgeous environnement, too bad they're so repetitive and the map is empty.
Shadow of the Tomb Raider is set in the nice Peruvian jungle. Pretty minimal combat so far. Tombs are fun. Gets repetitive after a while of course.
The Witness was inspired by Myst. Riven is the masterpiece of the series though, so play that and Myst 3 as well.
Outer Wilds
> Years later I can still make out the hidden puzzles in the landscape
The Witness was pretty cool
>no game world has ever compared to the sheer beauty and brilliance of The Witness
Well, they hired actual landscape architects and sculpturers to design the game world, and it absolutely shows.
Grow Home is basic but a little comfy. Tiny & Big, Oceanhorn, I've meant to try these but never got around to. Dear Esther was an utter disappointment. Oxenfree is chill, even if it's a bit YA.
Minecraft? Abzu? Subnautica? No Man's Sky?
Mata Nui Online Game
Donkey Kong Country
Imagine if The Witness had a decent story to go with its fantastic world design instead of brainlet-tier philosophy quotes, new age rambling, and piss jugs.
>years later and you can still recognize a line with a circle on the end
Do you want a medal?
I loved The Witness. Feels like the perfectly crafted game.
Yes, please
With good characters, dialogues, etc.?
That would be too fun. We don't want that.
RDR2. I loved all the cool secret stuff you could find on the map, like the guy living in the cave claiming to be the devil
Yes, I absolutely adore Wind Waker's world. I thought Wind Waker was perfect, I don't need everything to be stuffed with content to enjoy a video game world.
Yeah wtf was up with that philosophy shit out of nowhere?
Also the 1 hour long videos about action in life or what not.
I just wanted to know why were there rock people everywhere.
Some of those lines with circles are the end are pretty damn hard to spot.
I wasn't aware, but I believe it.
I think a story would have been too much. They shouldn't have had any story or philosophy quotes at all. I can see that The Witness would be better with a mysterious sort of lore behind the island that you discover, though, nothing too intense but something to add to the drawings and blueprints that you find inside the mountain.
Unironically Wii Fit+. Going around Wuhu Island is comfy as hell.
I don't understand why this didn't inspire more people.
Myst and Riven games don't have free movement though, right?
Xenoblade chronicles seems perfect for it, just finished it the other day. Might not be your thing, since its disgustingly anime.
It's like Blow was given a game by God, and had the chance to just give God's gift to everyone, but he couldn't keep his grubby hands off of it. The audio logs feel totally out of place and the videos were obviously supposed to reveal some of the story.
No ones posted lego worlds. I thought that was interesting
I think that depends on what you mean by free movement. In Myst, you can click to move about pretty much anywhere and to look in just about any direction, but it's still all still shots. You don't like turn in an animated way. But it's also not like a typical point and click where you move between static rooms.
I found Myst's system to be a pleasant surprise.
Have you ever heard of Zineth? It was a free prototype/proof of concept game related a few years ago. Exploring is all you do and it has a great style and sense of speed. Fun stuff.
kek wouldn't have thought of this but it's true
Yeah, I totally forgot that game existed. The gameplay was bland and the exploration wasn't rewarding (cause of a lack of interaction with the environment imo), but damn the world was colorfull and comfy.
>Well the original Myst is free so you have no reason not to play that first before going on to Riven.
Free where? Also what's the difference between it and realMyst?
Can I start with Riven? It's the cheapest one in the Summer Sale.