Why the fuck hasn't Capcom given this the remake treatment?

Why the fuck hasn't Capcom given this the remake treatment?

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Because it's trash.

because they want a quick profit from investments. same reason rockstar killed the midnight club series and is milking GTA5

Nigger it's just as shitty as every other capcom franchise.

shhhh! don't give them any ideas, they have sullied enough

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still better than resident shitvil

Why do you still have faith with Crapcom? You know they'll just botch the remake right?

Wasn't popular enough to begin with

Why do you even want a remake in this day and age?
Video games have been trash

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Because dinosaurs unfortunately aren't relevant anymore, and they would be laughed at thanks to muh feathered dinosaurs apologists

Then why is dino crisis dead?

>so many hate RE2make
wtf i thought it was well received

I rather they didn't. The game would lose so much in its transition to 'remake' it'd be unrecognizable.

A Dino Crisis remake will either be the start of or happen during one of Capcpom's usual shitty games periods. Same for Breath of Fire, though the latter's fine since at most they'll just give it the Darkstalkers treatment and rerelease a collection at full price (though this relies on them even remembering the IP in the first place).

It was, stop thinking this board matters or speaks for anyone other than their miserable selves.



Is there anything good to lose even?
Respawning enemies? Uninspired locations?

I don't think it's ever getting a remake user. It's extremely obscure, no one remembers it unless you are a fan of the series / survival horror. The third game basically killed off the series

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back in the day, 3D graphics were more novel and shinier and it was easier to get away with making her outfit a shiny plastic adult baby onesie with padding.


No one cares about dinosaurs anymore because now we know all the cool ones were actually covered in gay feathers and weren't cool at all.

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Holy shit, the NTSC cover looks like garbage lel

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it preserved nothing of the original - just another boring ots shooter because zoomers and modern players are too retarded for anything that deviates from the standard ots control scheme

Face it, feathers ruined dinosaurs and they're just not cool anymore and never will be again. It's like watching your dad get beat up by the bully who stole your tickets dad at a Chuck E Cheese when you were 4. You'll never respect him again after that.

If Brigandine can get a sequel after 22 years, there is hope for Dino Crisis. Like there's hope for a good follow-up to Parasite Eve.

I actually like the cover of the North American game

Second game was horrible as well

tf? the second game was fun as hell. you're thinking of 3 mayb?

This was a pattern.

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>Second game was horrible
Incorrect, the Second one was when they stopped trying to be discount RE and made a good game.