If you spent at least 10000 hours to gaming in your life and aren't a professional gamer by now...

If you spent at least 10000 hours to gaming in your life and aren't a professional gamer by now, your life is pretty much meaningless.

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>If you spent at least 10000 hours to gaming in your life and aren't a professional gamer
>your life is pretty much meaningless

>professional gamer
>not meaningless

so if i train more i get better at piano?
>they needed a study for this

I'm sure we've all spent more time than that sleeping but we're all shit at that.

Accumulating 10,000 hours of something by the time you're 20 doesn't make you anything. I can accumulate 10,000 hours of jerking my own dick but that isn't going to magically transform me into a professional that gets paid for it. Nor does having 500 hours of a skill exclude you from being able to land a professional job doing it. You can be skilled at something enough to earn a living without sinking in 12 years.

What a stupid post.
If I kick a chair for 10000 hours, I won't be able to make a living out of it. I would need to kick a ball for that, so you can just let me have fun with my chair?

>having fun is training
people like you are destroying this industry. you will never make money playing video games, you should cash out your collection of CS:GO knife skins before it is too late. and it is too late. kill yourself

Good, now type it into an actual REPL

Implying "pro gamer" isn't just as pathetic and useless

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I saw people with tens of thousands of games of dota 2 and they still have 1k mmr.

You've spend decades walking OP. Time to show us what you're made of.

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>no Death March 2020 Tokyo Edition
Fuck this virus, man.

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More meaningful than yours at least.

They quantified it, what did you do with your life?

Nice slippery slope.

Another slippery slope.

Yet another slippery slope.

Ad hominem fallacy.


Look at a mirror.

Leisure is not effort.

Racewalking is very different from normal walking idiot.

Irrelevant replies.

Why would you walk normally then? Time wasted that you could spend training yourself to race walk.

>Irrelevant replies.
I wasn't replying to you so why are you replying to me?

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Can someone explain to me why 4channers are so obsessed with trying to make each other feel bad?

It's fun and if you actually take anything you read on here seriously you deserve to feel bad

If you think people on Zig Forums are trying to make you feel bad it's because you don't belong here. When you belong here none of this affects you.

Walking is a necessity. Video games are not.

>look at a dota 2 pro
>40k hours

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if you spent every seconds of your meaningless life to talk shit about others hobbies, aren't you a professional shitposter by now?

I've spent easily more hours than that, but I also have a PhD and a good career and I think anyone who considers themselves a "professional gamer" needs to be literally sent to a gas chamber.

These two posts made me laugh out loud in real life

>He's spent over 10,000 hours posting on Zig Forums
>he's still shit at arguing
lol faggot

>your life is meaningless


I don't want to turn my hobby into profession. The same reason I don't want to develop video games despite being software engineer.

Deliberate practice should be a means to allowing you to perform certain rudimentary things as though they were second nature, without having to think about it.
Even with music or other skills, you can apply pic related to it
>music: make scale or lick flashcards where you have to play whatever is written perfectly, or in a certain way
>drawing: flashcards that prompt you to draw a thing
>exercise: flashcards that prompt you to perform a certain exercise for x amount of reps
People are bad at deliberate practice, but it's not actually that difficult.

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Walking is necessary to live. Video games are a waste of time unless you make money out of it.

Shut the fuck up already.

They are doing something with their lives.

I'm just stating facts supported by hard evidence.

Your little lie won't protect your fragile ego.

That's a false statement, therefore the conclusion you drew from that statement is false.

Change it.

Then pick a more useful hobby. There's nothing beyond this bridge.

So you agree with me.

was it autism?

Mass replying on Zig Forums is for literal retards.

>what you're saying makes me think about how i wasted my own life, so you're lying
Sure, user, sure, if that makes you feel better.

>So you agree with me.
I tend to agree that a higher level of proficiency leads to a higher level of enjoyment in almost anything.
Someone who can only run for 10 minutes without stopping can't truly appreciate the joy of running.
Someone who can only play a game on easy mode is not able to experience the game as it was intended by its creators.
Someone who only knows 1000 words in a language cannot truly enjoy any work in it.
Whether it makes someone money is irrelevant in my eyes. The important thing is that someone is skilled enough that they can actually derive real satisfaction from something and not simply have a false sense of accomplishment.

if you mass reply to shitpost threads you made on 4chins I'm pretty sure your life is, as you say, pretty much meaningless. Nigger

Tfw I've practiced playing guitar for 10000 hours and I'm still not David Gilmour

People were mean to them, and people like sharing, so they want to share that feeling and also think everyone else deserves it too