Valve's flat heiarchy is DEAD
>"We sort of had to collectively admit we were wrong on the premise that you will be happiest if you work on something you personally want to work on the most," Valve developer Robin Walker tells Keighley, soundly rejecting the ethos that Valve has publicly carried as a torch for some time.
Now that they got rid of that retarded "hurr work on whatever you feel like" bullshit, what new Valve games are you looking forward to?

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Ricochet 2

Good Valve is dead soon

How do you fuck up a flat hierarchy for video games when a rocket company that is worth almost a hundred billion dollars does the same thing and it works fine.

Communist finally been tried.

it's more anarchist than communist.

gamers are lazy and don’t want to work

i expect them to make sequels to half-life and left 4 dead and for them to be mediocre or bad games, but get mainstream popularity with the sort of thoughtless ball-garglers that play sony movie games and marketed e-sports like overwatch

Flat Hierarchies are the opposite of that. You utilize a flat hierarchy in order to keep costs down and force people to work on more projects than usual. They are extremely common in Silicon Valley startups for this reason.

dotatards will love l4d3

DoD getting a CS:GO treatment.

Has anyone uploaded the documentary yet? not going to pay $10 for that shit lmao

left 4 dead 3 and heavy update please

oh man that'd be cool. DoDs was the shit.

If you buy it half life 3 will come out one day sooner.

>The whole thing is a spoiler-filled exploration of how HL:A took shape, but most interesting is that the game's biggest internal test ended with fellow Valve staffers giving a big thumbs-down to the ending. The production team sought permission to rebuild the narrative arc with a stunning ending, and Valve boss Gabe Newell greenlighted the shift, knowing it would delay HL:A's launch outside of the Valve Index hardware launch (which everyone had hoped would happen side-by-side).
so what was the old ending?

gabe's already getting 30% of my purchase money, he can fuck off if he wants money for an interactive documentary

How many times do I have to steal it to make sure that shit never comes out

all we're gonna get is source2 ports for decade-old games and more shite dota spinoffs, maybe another VR game if we're lucky.

I always found this to be really interesting because I've always imagined that the flat hierarchy system would bring about a more negative and despondent work system environment once the new employees realized that no one else really wants to work on what they're fiddling with. Causing them to pretty much quit as being the lead director which then causes a chain effect of all the other devs who were only slightly interested in it to abandon it.

infinity minus one is still infinity, right?

Literally going back in time to Black Mesa stopping the Resonance Cascade bullshit.

Horrible comparison. Valve had no structure, Tesla had minimal structure. There is a large difference between having a few managers and having self-management.

Do they still have the BPC?

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It's dead, Jim.

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Valve is not even remotely close to being strapped for cash so you can fuck off with this argument

Portal 3. But I know it'd end up being a VR meme game like HL:A.

By the book it is, but it's inevitebly lead to unchecked social hierarchy. Somy bully alpha would just create an environment of fear and ruin everyone's work. Which is why communist regimes all end up a Stalinist shitholes.

They want to ship everything out to Chinese Sweatshops and just run a skeleton crew.

not even valve is saved from modern workplace """""food"""""

thank god that didn't happen
"god damn unintended consequences" was pretty cheesy but I definitely prefer it over what could have been

I've never played a half life game, it is even worth attempting to at this point?

Valve has incompetent workers

there's only a few of them, just start from the first


Gaben types like my big brother. Always matter of fact but can still have fun. I love it.

they're pretty fun for pretty much being long, slightly hard tech demos

I think they know they'd have to water down Portal too much to be a VR game that didn't make people vomit for it to be worthwhile.

Tesla still has a structured top-down chain of command holding shit together so you can't just show up to work and waste an 8 hour shift fiddling with a random doodad, nor do they hire shitty woke faggots to curate serious and legitimate business relationships with potential clients where they show favoritism based on whether the product in question adhere to certain agendas and labeling.

Flat heirarchy only and ONLY works in very VERY small groups.

Original tomb raider was flat heirarchy and the team was six people, they make four smash hits in a row. Fifth game new team with a hundred people and flat heirarchy resulted in angel of darkness which sucked ass and killed the IP.

come join us in sven coop, you can play through all the hl1 campaigns for free


L4D will be the first one they tackle to dip their sea legs on FPS games again and to see how well Source 2 fares with multiplayers that isn't Dota.
Then they'll release Citadel whatever the fuck that is.
Then with the kinks out of the way they'll try to make HL3.
They'll get frustrated. Delay it. Go back to the drawing board.
Then some retard will suggest TF instead.
So they make either a Source 2 port or TF3. Whatever works.

Cap this post.

Also Portal will still be used for gimmicky experiments in VR. No mainline games.

What's wrong with 40+ year old people to move away from junk food? Snacks are great but when you're getting older the negatives far outweigh the positives

What did people do there anyways? Free ping pong?

I want to believe.

Fix minor bugs and translation errors in 20 year old Valve games


They already said traditional Portal gameplay in VR makes too many people sick for it to be viable.

Work on games that get canned.

Wrong image

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I know. Why do you think The Lab exists? Exactly.

This means more diversity hires, increase the size of the HR department, more accountability, more women and a crackdown on nigger spam and banter in Valve game multiplayer chat

>Now that they got rid of that retarded "hurr work on whatever you feel like" bullshit, what new Valve games are you looking forward to?
If the leaks are true L4D3 is basically already done

>you never get shit done when you have no schedule

wow really? almost as if work has functioned this way for centuries or something

I'm waiting to see how artifact reboot works out. If they can take a product that was okay-ish, and actually polish it and make it enjoyable, I think it'll find success, and it'll show that they're not going to just lazily shit out whatever they can to get by.
But we'll see, won't we. I'm optimistic, but not hopeful.


Honestly, eat healthy people. How young are you all zoomers? You'll see that all junk quickly catch up with you


Valve's biggest problem was that no one on the fucking team wanted to fully work on Source 2 a decade ago.

100% if they just went all hands on deck making that engine stable before throwing so much shit at the wall then there wouldn't be so many canned games.

In the meantime epic hires 2000 employees to get the Amazon of video games growth.

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Do they have a shopping cart yet?

God I hope this is true. Nothing good came out of that, or rather nothing came out at all.

eating buttery bakery goods once in a while won't do anything wrong to you. If you over-indulge, that is a different story of course.

Not based and retardpilled taste.