I don't understand why. I played it and it's just another collectibles style platformer maniac game from rare like Banjo-kazooie. Yes, it's just another reskin like donkey kong 64 (that was banjo with many heroes that you combine) and conker (that was just more furry banjo with heavily south park influence), but for now it's just banjo mazooie with some minor zelda vibes on combat and exploration. What's wrong with that? Yes, I know it's not shoot'em up more like was previous star fox games, but it's spin-off, wtf wrong with this concept that do many hate this game? Why reskin banjo with some minor changes with apes and squrilles works perfect, but not this?
Why so many players are hate this game?
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I played this game as a kid and really enjoyed it. Guess I matrix dodged the furry bullet.
I don't remember platforming in this game. The game was good, needs a sequel.
You're on the wrong board, gramps. The shuffle board forum is 2 blocks down.
It's okay, as someone who bought it on release.
Combat didn't feel as dynamic as I would like it to be, but it wasn't as though it was absolutely godawful.
The Fuel Cell nonsense is kinda gay.
I liked that you could actually haggle with the Shopkeeper some.
Tricky is kinda lame, can't lie. Don't mind him much despite that.
Loved the locations. The game did have pretty nice graphics.
Music was nice but didn't stick with me as much as I wanted - but this is more due to my idea of "Rare Music" being DKR and DKC at the time, but that's a personal niggle.
The last boss is a fucking joke. General Scales really, REALLY should've been it and I don't think anyone who's beaten the game really disagrees with that. Should've done a fusion with the Krazoa Spirits or some shit.
Dunno why I mentioned Rare, I just started thinking and I went full retard.
Even in terms of SF music though... I like SF/SF64 a lot more.
Because found a way to turn a button mash segment into artificial difficulty
You weren't supposed to button mash, you were supposed to tap to a rhythm. It was the ultimate pleb filter.
It's a perfectly fine game, anons are just piss scared of admitting that they got a stiffy to Krystal. Furries in denial flail about the hardest.
7.5/10 adequate Zelda clone, with surprisingly soulful atmosphere at times (Can still vividly remember the Mammoth area, Dino desert, and opening overworld)
I'll jack off to Krystal all day, but Star Fox Adventures is still a shit game
SFA 2 when?
except it really isn't a spinoff when it's a full fledged sequel to a game that plays nothing like it and every game that came after except the 64 remake and the reboot in zero (2 doesn't count) continues the plot of this one, by which I mean they all have krystal play a role in the story. I still like the game though, but the voice acting is beyond awful and makes every cutscene and line delivery a cringe overload.
It's intentionally cringe for comedic purposes.
Fox is cringing right with you in the cutscenes.
My first console game I owned and played. It's not shit but its not very good. And I say this as a Gamecube mega fanboy.
>Not even close to a Starfox game. More like a mediocre Zelda in terms of gameplay but with a ton of soul.
>Amazing music but awful sound design. A lot of it is just stock sound effects.
>Combat is mash A to win. The animations are good but its still whatever.
>Environments are pretty kino but some scenery gets repetitive like having to go back to each force point temple (2) twice even if they alter the locations a bit.
The worst of all is the puzzle "design". It's literally: You enter a room, you don't know what to do, oh I know, look around for a bright red switch on the wall! - 80 percent of puzzle solving right there.
Here's what happened
>Rare making a new game for Nintendo 64
>Shows off trailers, looks like furry zelda
>Rare is at the top of their game
>Delays and Nintendo wants it on new console
>Nintendo asks for more changes since Star Fox Assault taking too long, not going to be able to properly capitalise off Star Fox IP being hot right now due to SF64
>Get Rare to redo most of their game as a Star Fox game
I really liked Star Fox Adventures, I still think it's a great game. I'm thinking of replaying it soon and may just do it with dolphin in 1080p, but I do understand why people were hyped for one thing but got another thing and were unhappy with that.
Great game, at least an 8/10 IMO
Tragic what happened to Rare when Microsoft fucked them
>The worst of all is the puzzle "design". It's literally: You enter a room, you don't know what to do, oh I know, look around for a bright red switch on the wall! - 80 percent of puzzle solving right there.
had this game and literally couldn't figure out how to get out of the starting level.
I had a strategy guide for it. I must've been 7 years old when I got it christmas of 2002. I still couldn't beat the parts where you had to mash A quickly. Had to get my dad to help me for those parts.
i think i might just be dumb. i also couldn't figure out how to break a window in a lab in dk64 so i stopped playing that one too.
You forgot:
>Rare was rushed to meet a strict deadline partly because of the Microsoft buyout.
Remember General Scales? Remember how the MAJOR ANTAGONIST OF THE ENTIRE GAME didn't even have a boss fight at the end?
I played it on Dolphin a few years back after owning the original as a kid as one of my first games on Gamecube and on console in general. Give it a playthrough for ol' nostalgias sake. It's got a lot of soul but it feels like wasted potential sometimes. Wish there was a successor on a scale like that.
Yeah there's a huge long story of issues that happened around the tail end of their tenure at Nintendo, but I just wanted a few bullet points.
Poor Rare, but Nintendo was dumb to not beat Microsoft out of the buyout. Also it's pretty sad that Ed Fries left Xbox. He seemed super super passionate and in-touch and I think the sycophants who took over from him really fucked up a lot of the deals Ed managed to get. Bungie was lucky to have competent staff to push back on shit.
If you haven't seen it, youtube.com
>Shows off trailers, looks like furry zelda
>I do understand why people were hyped for one thing but got another thing and were unhappy with that.
But Star Fox Adventures is just Dinosaur Planet with Star Fox characters.
You can't understand because you're retarded obviously, ESL-kun.
I'm wondering if I'm just a freak of nature. I had literally no problems with the mash A section. I even messed with the guy on the final level and could pretty easily fight back to him no matter how far back he pushed me.
I even just let him win once or twice because I wanted to see what happened.
The one that took me the longest was the Test of Fear. That shit was difficult as a kid.
because it wasn't starfox. Star Fox is about dudes in airplanes shooting at other dudes. Starfox Adventures is a re-skin of a different game, originally not connected to starfox at all. This also hurt the plot, because it had to be hastily made and had to include the original character donut steel
Still better than Assault
I've worded that really badly, my bad it's 2.30 in the morning and I'm not communicating my thoughts well. People looking for a Star Fox game weren't really expecting a Zelda style game and the Star Fox segments were very short and a little shoe-horned into the game. They're not bad, but there's 5 of them in the whole thing and they're pretty shallow.
>Yes, I know it's not shoot'em up more like was previous star fox games
There you have it. It's a perfectly mediocre platforming/ adventure game, but people wanted another starfox 64 at the time. It'd be like if the next Zelda game turned out to be a first person shooter
Dialog in SFAdv is undoubtedly better than the terrible anime-tier level dialog in SFAss, but SFAss gameplay is pretty good for a 3rd person shooter + dogfighter railshooter.
They're not really that comparable as they're very different games, but I do think that SFAss is the direction they should take Star Fox. The issue is they keep trying to make a rail shooter and there's just not enough in a rail shooter to get sales. People want AAA games to be bigger and longer.
SFAss Multiplayer was unironically really fun and would be great with 16p online.
It's been a long time since I played it. I don't really remember the button mashing challenge, but I can remember the one where you had to balance left and right like a Tony Hawk game.
That's the Test of Fear and I had to do it so many goddamn times as a kid. Me and my friend were stuck there for like a week.
Granted, we could only play on weekends, and then only about 1-2 hours at a time.
Star Fox Adventures is Dinosaur Planet with all of Krystal's content ripped out.
it wasn't bad at all, but in hindsight, a ratchet & clank style game would fit star fox way better than a zelda-like did. right idea, wrong concept, i guess?
one thing nintendo and rare were absolutely right about back then is that star fox needed to evolve to survive. this applies even more now than it did in 2002. a $60 five-hour-long rail shooter is dead on arrival in today's industry. even if star fox zero hadn't been barely-playable shovelware, it still would have flopped just because of that. either the games need to be far cheaper (not likely from nintendo) or they need more content that can't really be done by rehashing star fox 64 again.