Why does Zig Forums love japan so much again?
Why does Zig Forums love japan so much again?
Because we're super horny and western women don't give up the puss enough. Also anime and anime games look cooler
Is that a dude or a chick? I honestly can't tell.
Because the SJW f*males that are controlling the western games industry don't let me fuck children in any of their games -_-
Better pornstar, better foods, better games than the west
my gf
But I hate Japan.
Japan is Based, unlike the Cringe USA
>Better pornstar, better foods, better games than the west
And most of that is thanks to the west ;)
Cute girls who age slowly, anime/manga, videogames and a shitload of porn in all forms, types and sizes.
パパ ジョンズ
what is "no pen"?
Because Japan has produced the best video games of all time and the west is full of SJW garbage.
I like their video-games, cartoons, comic books, women and food. I like the shit they make, but not the people, their culture, etc.
Who is this girl? Please tell me, I must see her armpits.
>better foods
The taste is fine but enjoy paying $10USD for 80g of meat and then the rest being padded with half a kilogram of rice to justify the cost.
Brothers separated at birth
>I like the shit they make, but not the people, their culture
Wanna know how I know you're extremely based and have actually been to Japan?
I'd love Japan too if I lived in a 3rd world nigger infected shithole like America.
I've never been to Japan.
Cute girls
Feel free to tell me. You're entirely correct.
not him but those guys are like actual bugmen robots
Go home Jamal.
I miss old memes.
A place that isn't infested with american politics.
Also this
user we have this thread every day
then people point out the girl you post is either Chinese or Korean
better pornstars is debatable but the quality of porn is overall worse. not just because pixels but because they haven't gotten better cameras or techniques
food lol no, japanese food is overrated as fuck.
games, overall yes, but most of my favorite games are western
I’m in my 3rd year of university and no longer wish to bean engineering major. How dumb would it be to get a teaching degree for a career in Japan?
I know that this post was just a joke post but I'm autistic enough to reply back because I like discussing the economic model of Japan and am taking this opportunity to do so.
No, the foreign administration of Japan by the United States was more of just an overseer role making sure Japs didn't fuck themselves or East Asia up. The jumpstart to modern Japan could be classified as having been started in the 1980s. With miniaturization being refined in the 1970s due to the energy crisis and Nixon shock, the GNP growth could have been called a miracle due to the unnaturally high expansion rate. This would eventually contract in the 1990s and bring about the lost decade, the economic stagnation of Japan in the 1990s that we all know of.
gotta love all the delusional fags in this thread who think their HECKIN BASED JAPARINOS give a shit about them, they hate most foreigners and think they are pathetic kek
I would trade 10 white “”””women””””” for 1 Jap chick
At least finish your engineering degree. It might even come in useful and will give you more options. Might even land a comfy engineering job in japan.
I just about forgot that we have a board for Japanese culture, what's /jp/ been like?
pretty dumb unless you have some other credentials you could use to build a career there. teaching is only for young adults and travelers who want to live abroad for a while and don't have the funds or skills to furnish that lifestyle. if that's all you want, then great, but if you want to live there long term you need to have something you can use to bring in enough income to say, "hey look I am not a leech on society please let me stay" plus you'll want to learn nihongo asap.
I went to Japan and had the complete opposite experience. I even spoke to a few Yakuza. It was kinda weird, cause I figured they were all Japanese, but a few of them were black. The only people that the Japanese were racist to in my time there were the Chinese, and I could see why. You can spot Chinese people in restaurants almost instantly.
This, without hesitation
Lesser of two evils
>better foods
Either never been to Japan or a mutt that doesn’t know what good food is.
Hey, racemixing is wrong, Zig Forums taught me that.
All they slobber down is starbucks and McD's. of course they believe Nippon cuisine is the pinnacle of food.
Been there and the people were nothing but nice to me. Came up to me and spoke in english and were really helpful. They actually follow rules in public places unlike the chinese tourists.
And that's not even counting the workers there. I can't imagine coming to America not knowing any english and expecting the 7/11 cashier to help you.
>b-but the work culture
Americans actually work more hours per year than Japanese.
I hear they also hate those one kind of blacks that are always trying to force people into clubs and shit. Nigerians or something? It's a specific kind over there.
What do you think this website is user?
Here's a hint, it's based off of Japanese image boards
>better foods
Exactly how I feel
IRL japs feel sterile. And when they are sociable it just feels really fucking weird to me.
But i don't wanna fuck a f*male
bet these niggas would start the next pandemic with some frog or snail virus lmao, literally chink tier
>IRL japs feel sterile
exactly how i feel
I agree with the porn quality statement. It's sad because Japanese porn seems to delve more into kink varieties than the west does save for Germany
>but the quality of porn is overall worse
Japan makes porn for incels, with total objectification and a lot of interesting fetish scenarios. Western porn is super dull and samey.
how did you tell apart between japs and chinks
>better foods
lmao gook food is fucking trash, it's almost as bad as American "food".
That just sounds like culture shock, because Japan still has a different culture than some other place in the world. And that's a good thing.
Japan has been saving video games since 1983. The fact they also appreciate and celebrate the ideal female form (8-14 years old) is just a bonus.
Glad I'm not the only one
It's not like they aren't friendly, it's just sterile type of friendly
Some old guy I talked to was great though.
Out of all the countries in the world I've been to I've not been to any where old men aren't great fun when friendly.