Dragon Quest

Dragon Quest

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I need to finish my replay of 8 sometime soon.

Jessica was the worst party member but I kept her in my party the whole game anyway

Gragon Guest

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You don't have much choice, unless you're near the end of the 3ds remake.
I played 8 again on the 3ds, and I didn't mind Jessica as much as I remember disliking her. Sure, she is and was bland, but I found her to be fine

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That's true. I felt bad replacing Yangus for Morrie though.

>worst party member
Why? You don't spam magic burst?

Her magic is useful enough to keep her around even if you don't like her.

Jessica is the best party member and the best thing about the 3DS port is getting to fuck her.

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The original four fits their role perfectly, shame Yangus damage and support couldn't keep up later in the game. He was a great character

More like Dragon BREASTS

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It was a nice touch.

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shit series is shit

you can't romance her on the ps2? that sucks

Nope. 3DS version only.

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Honestly they should just port the older DQ titles to steam, I'm willing to bet it would sell really well

At the very least all the new games going forward. I don't expect them to do ports unless the game is new anyway as SE is weird on western releases to begin with.

>Can't marry Jessica AND the princess
Blunder of the century

If they didn't let you do it in 5 then they weren't going to let do it here.

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The only Dragon quest I played was Dragon warrior on the NES.
Where do I really start with the series? I have a 3DS, PS4, and PC. I have no idea on which games are worth it and which aren't.

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I liked the addition, but if I'm being totally honest I felt like the Jessica marriage option was lacking a bit. I do like her better than Medea, but I also feel like the Medea/Hero romance is more impactful

That's another game where they fucked it up, you should have been able to marry both (or all 3) girls.

It would be interesting to see how MC would handle all three.

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i masturbated to this character a lot

But only 2 of them were any good?

Overrated garbage. The only good DQ games were the DQ monsters series

Tasteless faggot.

That's okay, you can just use the third for a domestic servant if you don't care for her

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