How the fuck did Sony do it?

>Spider-Man Miles Morales boxart reveal has caused more buzz and impact than Xbox Series X upcoming games showcase for July

>The Last of Us part II is the FASTEST SELLING and best selling PlayStation exclusive with over 4 million copies, it has been topping PSN and UK sales charts for 4 weeks now

>PlayStation 5 Games showcase was the most watched streaming gaming event in history

>PlayStation 5 Hardware reveal has over 26 million views in 7 days, doing better than Switch reveal

>Ghost of Tsushima and TLOU II had the most watched State of Play ever

Attached: 1594387280594.png (1080x783, 461.29K)

every single greentext statement in this post is factually wrong. every. single. one.

Prove it

Simply put:

Don Mattrick (and the 2013 NSA leaks) damaged the Xbox brand so badly that it still hasn't fully recovered. Doesn't help that Xbox has mismanaged its first-party IPs over the course of the last generation.

Attached: _67742271_67742270.jpg (640x360, 26.6K)

Shut up hater .

i want to touch boobs


He was based


This thread
is bait

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I really don't care about this thread but can you guys post more big tiddy gamer girls?

>Something has more views than another but has worse quality

Who cares? all games will play better on xbox series x


>>Spider-Man Miles Morales boxart reveal has caused more buzz and impact than Xbox Series X upcoming games showcase for July
what? on twitter or some other website? no shit it is filled with black people
>> FASTEST SELLING and best selling PlayStation exclusive
that's like being the child rapist that raped the least children

*If you have a gtx 2080Ti and a ryzen 7 3700x

I mean, is it so surprising? Name a SINGLE Xbox One or new Xbox exclusive title worth playing. A SINGLE one. I'll wait.

Burden of proof is on the person who makes the claims. Until then OP is just another fag making shit up.

You must be new

PlayStation can't stop winning, PS4 was the best place to play this generation and I'm sure PS5 will continue to dominate

Those are facts that you can easily verify elsewhere, I'm not gonna spoon-feed you.

Seems like you're coping HARD to me


Uhh don't wanna be that guy, but you just made a claim yourself. You can't just counter a claim with a claim and then say that the other person needs to prove theirs and call it a day. Thats not how the burden of proof actually works.

If you wanted to do it right, you would've asked "but are those actually true OP?".

Sony captured the casual audience by creating single player games with moderately compelling stories and widely approachable characters
All this while still maintaining the hardcore audience

Halo so far is better than any playstation exclusive shown so far, and they didn't even show any gameplay yet.



>l-llook were causing buzz!
>t. literal shithorde of turd world subhumans with massive buyers remorse
top kek


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>Uhh don't wanna be that guy, but you just made a claim yourself.
Prove it.

Imagine this level of COPE


I wheeze as I read your post