Honestly this game fucking changed my life, I never thought vidya could be art but fuck man, this is the Shadow of the Colossus of our generation. It's sad how many people dismiss it because they can't understand it. If they showed Death Stranding to Tarkovsky fans they would lose it over how good, deep and rich it is. Gamers were not ready for this story, I think that eventually they will be, however I still fear that Kojima will never get the recognition he deserves for making this masterpiece during his lifetime. I beg you to play this game once it comes out on PC, trust me. It will change you. Everything you think you know will get twisted and destroyed playing this game, your vision of life and your experience will greatly change. To me, Death Stranding is like taking DMT, you can't explain it to others unless they have done it.
Death Stranding is Kino
It's not a masterpiece but it is an interesting and unique experiment. I'd give it a solid 7.5/10.
kajumbo how many times do we have to deliver your pizza for you to fuck off
>this is the Shadow of the Colossus of our generation
I can actually get behind this quote. Probably had the same impact on me, and you hear the same stupid shit I heard from customers I heard at the time about SOTC.
And yeah, for a highly conceptual game it was pretty well done. Easily one of the best games I played in years.
Woah woah woah you're being awfully positive there buddy did you not see dunkeys video you aren't allowed to like this all you do is walk around how can that be fun I haven't played the game
TIL that NPC Porters could use player-built Timefall Shelter when raining
Why yes, I like to deliver cargo and wageslave again after work
How could you tell?
not to that extent but it is def one of the standouts from this gen
No one cares, Kojima. Better luck next time.
Solid Score
What were your thoughts when you were making that shitty reply user?
What podcasts to you plan on listening to when DC comes out on PC? I'm thinking about:
>10-min Pod
>Death Stranding is like taking DMT
wtf is a DMT?
based junkie
Synthesized drug that mimics the chemical your brain produces when dreaming during sleep.
Imagine being this pretentious
literally no one bought this game, stop shilling its fucking pathetic.
>people actually drink OG Monster
I hated every second those cans were on screen
Fpbp, played Kojangelo's games for 21 years since I was 5 and this game is just interesting, map could be bigger because I've done longer journeys to my local shop...
You need to chill out with that shit, nigga.
Does it really seem so small? I mean, you're supposed to be traveling across the US right?
BT boss fights aren't very threatening, especially when you get weapons and blood bags thrown to you throughout the whole encounter. As long as you aren't directly in front of them, there's no danger. But it sure beats looking for crystals in the rain though.
Hopefully mods will fix this.
this shit is like 6 dollar watered down orange soda
what does this mean
>drinking energy drinks instead of taking modafinil and drinking coke
all that artificial sweetener diet shit has the same awful diet coke after taste, it's unbearable.
kino means that the game is close to being a movie.
if you say a movie is kino, it means the movie is not good nor bad, bur mediocre
I bet you sniff your own farts buddy?
>he pays $6
I'm not a huge sipper anymore, but it really pokes my autism that the 150+ calorie cans get advertised so much when equally if not less shitty tasting 0 calorie versions exist. I didn't drink Monster to get obese. I drank Monster for a trashy vice while I was trying to lose weight.
Taking artificial energy instead of having high testosterone from working out and sleeping sufficiently
Someone post the screenshot of the reddit thread in which some fatty cries because the game made him buy Monster Energy™ for the first time in his life and then the thread circlejerking over real products in games being inexusable, despite 4 having a literal iPod and Calorie Mate being a thing since MGS2 (I think.)
>He doesn't consume adaptogens to recover his adrenals
Kino means something has attained a transcendental quality that is beyond explanation.
Lest we forget literal doritos and mtn don't in peacewalker...
Oh jesus christ, the same argument could be used for smoking, but I guess since they're not specific brands the inner commie doesn't rage and wail about that shit.
Like what kind of actual retard that has NO interest in something gets swayed by a fucking product placement?
this is wrong but I appreciate you shitposting and leading newfags down a troll path to shitlordery
DS is the best game about being "the guy" I've ever seen.
It really is genius in that regard. Gameplay wise BTs are a complete joke, but as far as the narrative goes, its perfect.
BTs are only a threat because most people cannot see them. But you're one of the few who can, turning them almost completely obsolete, showing how devastating their threat is on one hand, and how trivial a threat for "the guy".
Many games utterly fail to highlight why thei "the guy" MCs in execution but Death Stranding does this pretty well with how BTs change for Sam.
Well weren't they classified more as just "Corn chips?"
Nope iirc you could take doritos with you and outfits w/ dew branding. Notable mention includes calorie mate in 3...
They were literally Doritos in the Japanese version but they changed it in other versions.
Just checked, it's this, my bad
I didnt save it, but that faggot being so upset about buying an energy drink was the most funny and at the same time pathetic shit ive seen in years
Story is just like HZD's story, it is good if you read it online. The pacing and info dup oit of nowhere is terrible.
which is what? just say "i like it"
Don't get me wrong, death stranding's core gameplay is pure kino but the scenario and cutscenes are dog shit.
>sam you will rebuild the country
>get it?
>lemme just look in the horizon while a tear rolls down my cheek with a sad piano music for 10 minutes