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ITT: Games Zig Forums Tricked You Into Buying
Jason Garcia
Jaxon White
You have to be at least 18 to post here
Camden Allen
and you better be thankfull since its a good ass game
Brody Gutierrez
No, it's shit
Hudson Thompson
Cute bug.
Jackson Martinez
William Wood
Aiden Stewart
None because I'm not an impressionable retard and actually do my research before buying.
Zig Forums has helped me find some good shit though.
Ryan Scott
it's probably bait but i'll bite. i also gave up on HK the very first time i tried it because i found the movement clunky and the combat stiff, and the first bosses where wiping the floor with me, but months later when i tried again i overcome the initial roadblocks and the game really starts to pick up momentum, the map opens up, you gain new powers and abilities, unlock checkpoints that make fighting and exploring much more rewarding and less frustrating, and by that point i couldn't put the game down until the very end.
tldr you were filtered. get good. this was unironically the best indie game ever made, the most polished and filled with content and for a good price, AAA games can only dream of this level of quality
Mason Brooks
Pathologic 1 and 2
I regret
Christian Bailey
I bought risk of rain because of Zig Forums and I regret nothing, the game is great.
Maybe you should join resetera they might recommend games you would appreciate more.
William Jones
Are you going to cry or something? Calm down
Nathaniel Gomez
I got it through game pass. Pretty good game, I enjoyed it.
Cameron Davis
Ace Combat 7
Absolutely loved it, thanks Zig Forums.
Ayden Mitchell
Cry for what? hollow knight?
Austin Smith
i pirated it lol literally gotd also op you're a faggot
Lucas Jones
Carter Harris
Ever since I have never took a recommendation seriously here.
Matthew Lee
That shit was boring
Liam Hall
>Metroidvania game
>Where you only get about 4 or 5 new skills throughout the whole game
It is trash.
Brody Myers
>Wall Jump
>Double Jump
>Flying Dash
>Shadow dash for evasion
>Swimming in poison
>Spell to break floors
And at the very beginning, you could use your soul blast to do a little sequence break
Jason Miller
>What would be a basic move in most games is something you have to find in HK
Ok, so it's slightly more than 5, you got me. Are we still going to pretend that you end up with anything close to as interesting a moveset as most games of this genre give you? And especially with how long HK is, you go so long without getting anything new and interesting.
Brandon Anderson
The only thing it doesn't have is morph ball movement. What other movement options aare there?
Also, in an update, they gave us a Set Your Own fast travel Point option
Liam Perez
You forgot Vengeful Spirit, Howling Wraiths, the Dreamnail, Great Slash, Dash Slash, Cyclone Slash, Dreamgate, and everything charms give you.
>What would be a basic move in most games is something you have to find in HK
Which is that?
Anyway, that's a dumb reason to hate on something. Moving at full speed was an ability you had to find in Knytt Stories and that game was great.
Dominic Turner
Agreed, it has to be the most overrated game I've ever played. Not saying it's bad, it's just not that good either.
>every area feels the same
>music sucks
>stag stations are placed in atrocious locations, it's often quicker to walk from one end of the map to the other
>no excuse for not being able to warp between benches
>Deepnest is so godawful it should've been cut entirely
>fun areas like the beehive are too short
>game decides to block off random passages halfway through because the incompetent devs apparently didn't think there was enough backtracking already
>story is an incoherent mess
It's a 6/10 game with a nice art style and you cannot prove otherwise.
Thomas Cook
>Zig Forums convinces me to pick up Hollow Knight
>play it to completion
>love it
>eagerly anticipating Silk Song
thanks Zig Forums
Justin Taylor
I was mostly listing movement/exploration skills. Only Desolate Dive is used for exploration. The other Sword skills are optional
Luis Morgan
NEVER listen to Zig Forums, this game had threads all the time when it came out, i bought it and its fucking trash, no rpg elements at all, shitty combat, boring copy and paste world
Oliver Myers
No one "tricked" you into buying anything. You just can't comprehend that not everyone shares your taste and think there's some grand conspiracy to trick you because you are still a fucking child who thinks the entire world is about them.
Brody Martin
The post you were replying to didn't specify movement skills, so I don't think it's unfair to include them.
Jaxson Gomez
>unironically letting any word of mouth influence your choice in what to play
I remember when i was 12.
Also HK is a fantastic game.
Jack Myers
Blake Rogers
No joke i only bought them because of Zig Forums and i hate all of them
Why do you guys have such shit taste?
Hunter King
>play it to completion
You did all 4 pantheons with all 4 bindings active at once and beat every boss in the hall on radiant difficulty?