
>get free games from EGS
>use a 3rd party launcher that doesn't send all your data to China

Suck it, Tim.


Attached: file.png (933x742, 61.49K)

or just pirate them

>leg and hairy

China can't really do anything to me so I don't give two shits if they have my data.

Is there a Steam one which allows me to avoid sending my data to the US instead?

>It's name as a tongue-in-cheek play on tiers of item rarity in many MMORPGs
Am I missing something? I don't get the joke

>China can't really do anything to me
Look at this dumbfuck and laugh.

You often have games with Epic loot and Legendary loot, with Legendary being higher than Epic.

>needing a launcher to get free games

literally just fucking pirate them at that point

Attached: 1298986-item_rarity.png (1187x557, 152.69K)

Well I guess they could make me disappear, but so could any country, including my own. So why would I be any more concerned about them having my data over any other country?

Does it let you play online with them?


>instead it sends it to Poojeet

No thanks


Point to the line in the source code where that happens, Epic shill.

They absolutely don't need to go that far to turn you into a commie.

Which ones are worse?

Jews, Chinks or Poojeets?

>suck it tim
he loves open source stuff dumbo don't mix him up with gaben the subhuman

Attached: 1573760355487(1).jpg (1024x958, 168.12K)

Just use GOG galaxy

What data? All I have on my computer are games.

Calm down, currynigger, you keep doing your scam. I'm just not falling for it.

You're going to have to fill some blanks in for me here. How does China having me data lead to me turning into a commie?

Every website you go already sends your data to Google. What can China even do to you? They just stay secluded in their shitty country.
Do Americans really?

Cool now I can delete st*am for good and use egs

Do you even need a launcher for this shit? Like.. To make Journey to the Savage Planet run without Epic launcher you just add "-EpicPortal" as a launch command. I don't think they really care about DRM. I don't think most of the games even have DRM.

>What is Proton

There's many, many ways to manipulate people when you have the data about every they do. Just look up on the recent tiktok controversy and you'll easily find out some examples.

Yeah proton was open source right

Won't that all be offset by the US having my data from Steam turning me into a capitalist?

Tim is too busy making a new exclusive fortnite package for PlayStation after getting a $250 Million investment from Sony


the brainwashing computer viruses that china has been developing since the 1630's are going to be sent over the world wide web to latch onto your mind through your favorite pornograph

yeah EGS is a RAT indeed

What's the point?, the epic client is a basic app that connects to an api through services
This shit does exactly that. It's the same thing with a different face

US tech companies are all marxist intersectional commies too, so I guess you have a point, we're fucked anyway.

I'm pretty sure Epic blocks most games from working when you attempt to add commands. That was at least my situation when I wanted controller support through Steam in a couple games.

Jews are obviously the worst.
There are good chinks and poojets, even though a lot of them are still terrible.

>can't reinforce claim
Shill BTFO.

>game uses different color codes for the same rarity tiers
>game has something over legendary for BIG WORD impact (I don't mean heirlooms)
>Game has rarity system but doesn't matter because you get a lot of all tiers right from the start, making the fors 2 or 3 completly irrelevant the entire game.

Fuck any game that does any of these

Proton is made specifically for Steam, while Lutris (which Epic helps fund) is truly open. Valve doesn't do anything if it doesn't go through Steam, see also: Steamworks vs EOS

That's what he's doing stupid. Most gaming torrent sites are either shit with no seeders or are dead. I still miss Blackcats
The only one worth a shit is GazelleGames, and since they're part of The Cabal, they put you through convoluted shit for at minimum one year and then they'll ban you for pretty much anything.

You have to run Steam as administrator then it works on most games


Who cares. What the fuck is India gonna do with your data? Call your mom and try to fuck her lmao

Maybe that was the issue then.

The only game I couldn't get it to work on was Superliminal. I used Steam to play Journey to the Savage Planet with PS4 gyro aiming by running as admin

Aww dude 4 strength 4 stam leather belt?
Level 18!

talk to me like that again and I'm going to bare ass fart in your face

So, how does this even work? Epic provides an API that lets 3rd-party launchers download games from EGS servers? Does that mean GOG Galaxy could, in theory, also install EGS games without the official launcher installed? Generally these things don't work that way, which is why there aren't already a dozen third-party Steam game launchers that work without Steam running.

> Most gaming torrent sites are either shit with no seeders or are dead.
Yeah you are an idiot alright.Don't bother replying to me I won't rat on my secret club.

Yeah it's a open source software that only benefits steam because it's build on steamshitworks DRM

You don't know what you're talking about. Proton can be used independently of Steam.

>Generally these things don't work that way, which is why there aren't already a dozen third-party Steam game launchers that work without Steam running.
GabeN is a scrub. Tim is Epic.

My statement doesn't make it any less true. I'm aware of shit like AlphaRatio and public sites liek 1337x. AlphaRatio is still fairly new and will probably die by 2022 anywho.

Give me one example, how can you do this stuff teach me. Is gog using proton ? Why is Lutris a thing ? Your sub 80iq is leaking, stop taking all these estrogen pills.

They reverse-engineered all the web calls that the Epic launcher is using, and re-packaged them into a separate application. Epic can stop it fairly easily if they want to, but historically they haven't (ie the SteamDB equivalent for Epic that I forget its name, stat aggregators for Fortnite). It's basically up to Tim.

Because steamshitworks is shit and EOS is an open standard