Alyx already on multiple sales

>alyx already on multiple sales


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>game requiring incredibly expensive and specific hardware to even run, that only a tiny minority of the video game userbase has
>sells poorly
What a fucking shocker.
Wake me up when there's a non-VR mode

Isn't that a good thing?
From a customer point of view. Why should I be upset that I can buy a game for a cheaper price?

And they also gave away 100,000 copies for free. Valve is definitely on suicide watch

For a VR game that's like $1k in total, it sold pretty well.

>still hasn't left top seller since launch along with Index
>barely 14 bucks off after half a year
Delusion is not good for you

i feel like anyone who was going to buy Alyx has already bought it

>thinking a franchise that goes on sale early and often is a good thing

is this the thread were we pretend a very successful game flopped because of personal exaggerated requirements?

I feel like these threads are made by bots back when the game was launched and shitposters forgot to turn them off

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It's a valve game, they're not hurting for cash

>>valve game still hasn't left valve "top seller"
Hmm. Yeah. I wonder why that is. Hmm. Sure activates those almonds. Hmmm.

How many copies did it sell?

>thinking they will continue the franchise if it sells poorly

>very successful game
>goes on sale early and often
Pick one.

I'm buying Reverb G2(or better option if it will be announced before i preorder/buy it) to experience this game and community mods on it.
I have almost 0 hopes on other games, sure few will be good for 2-3 hours, but not more. Yet i do believe in Volvo

does that mean 95% of games flopped? man I didn't know L4D did badly

okay now I know you're just baiting

take care, thread's gonna die now that everyone knows the purpose of this thread

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Must be why Valve makes so many games and sequels then

yes after a few months games get discounted. most big games drop from 60 to 40 in around 3-6 months

>When we made alyx we knew it wouldn't sell well but gave it our all anyway because we want to make games we are proud of again and prove VR can have good, linear titles.
>Zig Forums proceeds to act smug about it not sell it well

The VRlet cope is unreal. Merit is not defined by sales you faggot consoomer zoomer. Dwarf fortress is one of the most influential, unique and acclaimed games out there and it's fucking free. Stop thinking like a fucking stockholder and play videogames. You don't get to cry Volvo BTFO when they never expected it to sell well in the first place.

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Alyx bros...

The game was underwhelming, and now that Valve have dropped it, they're done with VR (and blundering everything else they do Underlords, Artifact, etc.)

Is Valve finished?

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over a million, which is amazing for a VR game

Didn't Valve come back to making Half-Life? Or did I miss some official statement?

Retards on Zig Forums don't get it. They don't realize that Valve pushing VR is an attempt to get us closer to going-into-games machines so I can spend all my time in animeland in 20 years. If other companies push VR as well (which they will, but I imagine it'll take us a few decades at least), then we'll be closer to that reality.

I just asked because I was curious. Relax.

> tyler mc nigger

This, non-VR mode when? I don't actually give a fuck about Half Life, but I just want to see VRfags eat crow when they realize it's impossible to make a profitable AAA VR game and no one likes or cares about their gimmick, and it will sell 10x as many copies once the noVR mode is patched in.

Its meant to sell hardware not software

Gaben loves sales. He even did a big ass study to prove that more sales=more money. Hell, the Orange Box was practically for sale on release, being $50 for 5 games.

You VR shills can never talk about sales numbers without qualifying it with "for a VR game". Anything can be impressive if you hold it to a low enough standard. It's like if PSVita owners bragged that the Vita had one game that sold over a million copies (actually it had 4, so 4x as many as VR lol). But it's utterly pathetic, and a testament to what a flop VR is.
Yes, they mentioned that they wanted to make a non-VR Half Life game next. VR shills BTFO.

The only thing that’s pathetic is your attitude. You really want to act superior because you couldn’t afford a headset? Eat shit retard

>hardware flops anyways because there is only 1 AAA game worth playing
I wonder what are those people with the index doing now, playing beat saber or shit like vrchat to justify their purcharse or just have the index there taking space?

Theyre probably busy cooming

valve doesn't want cash from half life
they want to advance the medium

> If you don't want it you can't afford it
What a retard tier attitude. I don't feel the need to consoom the latest gimmick just because I have enough money to do so. I'd rather save the $1,000 to spend on pretty much anything else besides a shitty gimmick headset for playing rail shooters and ERP chat apps.