C to crouch

>C to crouch

Attached: gyhj.png (510x509, 418.32K)

Other urls found in this thread:


is he like 25 in this picture?

Attached: 1586593906674.jpg (480x360, 17.04K)

>shift to walk

Attached: Screenshot_20200710-203149.jpg (570x547, 38.43K)

>star program
>entire screen is white for 15 with the logo of the program
>program finishes loading and turns on dark mode

>escape quits the game instantly

Attached: 1542478648831.jpg (370x388, 34.83K)

>Pause to pause

Attached: 1567191680800.gif (180x178, 634.73K)

>Hold CTRL to crouch

Attached: 1549413348310.png (512x512, 530.73K)

>F to pay respects

Attached: 5b2cdc7eac6b7ae637f72ee3f3709076.jpg (480x480, 32.95K)

Wash your penis, bucko.

>A to get addicted
>R to go to rehab

>C to clean your penis

H to Honk

Attached: peterson honk.webm (640x360, 2.9M)

>S to smoke

Attached: 10923847123478.png (490x717, 489.97K)

>Space to use item

Attached: 1492172960047.png (487x304, 191.88K)

wtf it's real

>e to jump

Attached: todd.jpg (1200x1596, 302.51K)

>space to run
>shift to jump

Attached: 1591687304157.webm (1280x546, 1.48M)

>QCF + A into HCB +B to pick up item

>Minimize game and reopen it
>Game has frozen, computer has frozen, bedroom has frozen, all of time and space; frozen

Attached: 1594251184367.jpg (500x375, 36.82K)

>ESC instantly shuts down game application

Attached: flag.png (1200x800, 6.35K)

>P to poo your pants

Attached: 1593259313020.jpg (1280x960, 488.92K)

>save and load buttons are right next to each other
>you cannot reconfigure them either

Attached: dead guy.png (453x455, 387.57K)

>assigning crouch to a side mouse button

Attached: best flex.jpg (650x520, 63.88K)

>actually escapes

>M to make bed
>D to fry your brain on opioids

>Objective: Clean your room

>C,A,T keys to dance

Attached: 1591596891539.gif (280x280, 3.6M)

>Z to jump,X to attack.
It's X to jump, Z to attack. Fucking retarded indie game devs

>up to jump
>down to crouch
>left and right to turn
>w to walk
>s to shoot
>a to attack
>d to defend

Why are fat mutts so subhuman

>quick save and load are remappable

Attached: godhood.jpg (384x499, 129.61K)