play EDF 5
Play EDF 5
I still need to finish hardest and do inferno, but I moved to linux and it runs like shit under proton for me...
There's literally nobody playing on Hardest online anymore anyway.
It's either Hard or like 1-2 rooms on Inferno.
that's a shame
whats your favorite class
I've been fucking trying to. I'm on M101 offline with Ranger on Inferno trying to beat it with him first. Then I'll clear Inferno with the other classes since the game is a cakewalk with everyone else. Then I'll finally have 100% offline.
Playing 4.1 right now. Compared to 4.1 Iron Rain is utter shit.
Fencer for going fast!
Iron Rain is not even a real EDF game.
It's their attempt to bait the cowadoody audience in the west with graphics and story.
Im trying fencer for the first time (doing a Hard playthrough first, on lvl 60-something) and I finally got 4 jump boosts but still only have 3 dashes. does it really just take having the better versions of the jumps/dashes to go fast?
Pretty much. Blast twin spear helps a lot too.
>Blast twin spear
huh I always just use blasthole for the range
It's pretty much a half dash when you attack with it. A little bit trickier to hit with though.
I already do.
I've gone back to 4.1 since I 100%'d 5. I at like 76% and I can't play Fencer for shit. I'm getting slaughtered on Hardest even with 6k armor. I had to leave the last room I was playing in because I felt bad for being such a burden.
never goes on sale for low enough, i like the series but i don't like the idea of paying more than $20 for one of them
EDF should have an Ace Combat collab
Is 5 even worth the upgrade if I got 4.1?
Yes. There are a ton of QoL improvents.
5 has many QoL improvements over 4.1
but the EDF theme from 4.1 is better
wing diver is a trap?
Not really. 5 is a glorified expansion pack and is worth 20 bucks at most
Wingdiver - Soars through the air using advanced EDF tech
Windgiver - Soars through the air from the force of her powerful braps that allow her to blanket the battlefield below, giving strong morale support to the other troops
The 4-3 dash boost item is all you really need. Just cancel the dash into an immediate jump > land > dash > immediate cancel into jump over and over. When you're out of jumps, just dash on the ground until the jumps recover.
Seek help.
being able to maim giant walking frogs and ayys is cool
also like other people said lotta qol stuff
You're using the javelin catapult + blasthole spear setup, right? It's literally the only way that Fencer is viable at higher difficulties.
but the grind for weapons is lame
No, that's just the style of the picture.
4.1 runs well in proton for me. Haven't bought 5 yet.
How do I do the quick communication menu on kb+m? I bring it up, hover over desired comm and nothing happens. Maybe a proton bug?
I've been using the spine driver instead of blasthole. It's faster, but no piercing and less damage. I think I should try switch to reflector + blast twin, but I'm awful with the twins.
That happens for me as well, in 5. Don't know how to fix, and nobody else on protondb has mentioned it...
Armor farming is too damn slow