Could the 40k universe beat the flood. (both at their peak)
Could the 40k universe beat the flood. (both at their peak)
The flood are only really as powerful as what they are consuming.
Halo universe flood that have only feed on the covenant or unsc. No
But if you start the flood out on a warhammer world yeah I think they could be a major threat.
Peak flood would be during the forerunner wars.
Doesnt warhammer have their own version of the flood?
Tyranids are sorta similar. Nigh-unstoppable biological swarm. A bit of overlap where they have genestealers that infiltrate populated worlds and initiate the birth of mutant hybrids that draw the swarm to whatever planet once there's enough of them.
Main difference would be that the tyranids otherwise eat and break down what they go up against to increase their numbers, instead of outright convert it like the flood
angry biomass is such a generic concept I bet the flood was already beaten in a side story by a nameless chapter.
The story on how it became the bio mass is one of the most intresting video game plots.
>flood detected on planet
Even within the imperium that order would be extremely controversial. It almost always is a political shitstorm and people sometimes get exiled over it
Peak flood infected millions of planets. The only way to purge the flood is to wipe out all life in the galaxy.
Tyranids would probably eat them for breakfast
the whole point of warhammer is that every faction is ridiculously overpowered while simultaneously a singe step away from self destruction.
Flood spreads at an exponential rate. If you don't exterminatus asap, planet is now a gravemind and all FTL ships has left the planet and flying toward every nearby inhabited planet.
QUICK RECOMMEND WARHAMMER40K BOOKS I only have these two that was recommended to me, they good entry points?
flood cant into warp
there are no good warhammer books the best way to enjoy the story is to read wiki pages.
If by peak of the setting, you mean the Dark Age of Technology humans (which isn't really part of the setting), yes
If you mean the Empire during 30k and the Great Crusade, yes
If you mean the Empire at the "present day" of the setting, then maybe. The Empire is always fighting everything everywhere, having them focused against a single foe would be very different
Why not? They learn everything their host creature knows. They will learn how the warps work and the technology necessary to make it happen, nevermind the fact that they can just use slipspace.
Flood have all knowledge of what they eat.
If they anyone on that planet knows about warp the flood can warp.
Forerunner Wars flood from the fanfiction tier books would instantly destroy all of 40k
If you're only counting the games then 40k could deal with the flood
They had spaceroad and they had almost instant travel when they infected the forerunners.
Flood would be a threat but I think they would be hard countered at necrons.
Gaunts Ghosts
And the books you already posted
Fuck you
Peak flood is forerunner wars flood, which means flood+all forerunner technology. At which point, only thing that can stand up to them is peak Necron+Ctan & Chaos Gods.
Just because they know how the warp works doesn't mean they can use it. Tau can't use the wrap despite having the technology or the knowledge
Thanks fren
the Flood are just offbrand Tyranids so yeah probably
Flood is OP in 40K because 40K is OP.
Considering the hundreds if not thousands of years it takes to relay sometimes critical information within the imperium I wouldn't be surprised if the flood won.
I guess it depends on luck.
The gravemind is psychic and could puppet some navigators body as soon as it got a hold of a ship.
What the fuck is the lore of Warhammer and why is it so OP?
The food are precursers turned to space dust so they were Gods once.
Not him but Why not?
Halo lore is overpowered if you count the forerunners, precursors and first humans.
40k lore really isn't that OP, only retards who have never read sci fi before say that.
I don't think the Flood could take any faction in 40k, let alone all of them. Maybe the Tau, given that they'd try to negotiate first. Everyone else would roflstomp.
you know I am right. All warhammer books are just trash fantasy. When reading a wiki you get the feel for a massive universe with lots of lore to explore. Reading about these epic tales without acutally having to read that shit the average warhammer author vomits out is a blessing.