He barely had any cyborg enhancements

>he barely had any cyborg enhancements

Ngl, sam shouldve fucking won this fight whether it be cutscene or just him "going easy on you" he didnt fucking deserve the L

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Raiden had the dog aswell.

the dog was told to not intervene though

Every single second of Revengeance is unfiltered kino

Even though Sam didn't have many scenes, all of his were absolute kino

Sam lacked the necessary conviction to give him that extra edge
it's why he lost

Revengance would've been better with Sam as the protag, instead of just him being playable in a DLC.
Raiden is a nigger.

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Sam was definitely the better fighter purely looking at fighting skills.
But the fight itself was on an even playing field and Raiden won fair and square.

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Sam is already pretty much the best combatant in the entire Metal Gear franchise. Just having him win in a cutscene or brushing you off as "I wasn't really trying" would have made him come across as a gary stu.

it really is
especially the underrated codec calls

>Every single scene of this videogame is unfiltered "I see"
Yeah it is

in-game models and their faces/animations for this game are insane

You heard me

Excuse me?

Attached: Venom.png (360x360, 122.51K)

Ninja > Samurai

Except that weird plot with Gregorowhatever blowing himself up.

No excuses in that fight. Japs love the fighting spirit trumps pure strength and skill shit, so the cybernetics and enhancements were useless compared to Sam's will and spirit. When they fought again on the way to Sunny, Raiden won. Sam even basically says why during Wolf's playback, Raiden had him doubt his convictions right at the end. Sam was doubting himself and his role so lost compared to Raiden's steeled resolve.

Ninja bitches. Hesitation is defeat.

>so you see that's where the trouble began

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Sam didn't taunt and dodge roll enough.
As a playable character he is pretty much objectively better than Raiden.

This is true the game basically spells it out for you.
Sam forgot what he was fighting for but Raiden's resolve was unbreakable, of course he won.

According to devs, Sam's robot arm is actually slower than his original arm.
If he still had it, the fight could have had a different ending.
Also, getting it cut off was one of the reasons Sam wasn't wholly on Team Armstrong, which lead to him not being 100% devoted to the cause, and losing the battle of wills.

So, that's a thing.
They also set it up fully for him to come back in MGR:R2, but that never panned out.

When will Konami wake the fuck up and patch this game? Playing it with an HDMI connection locks the framerate at 59 and playing on Windows 10 makes the audio barely audible during cutscenes.

I still want to believe Konami will eventually give in and greenlight MGR2. It might be a decade from now.

Platinum is still kinda preoccupied ATM

Cool fight but its least favorite just for the middle part where Sam loses his sword. It slows to a crawl there but it picks up again when he gets his sword back. The best boss for me is Monsoon.

Why was Sam even fighting for armstrong

The swordless part was kinda cool just for showing how much more skilled Sam truly was but yeah it should have just been a QTE sequence instead of like 40% of the fight

Might makes right

I hope there is something that revisits some past sword fights in the Metal Gear series but with Revengeance's sword fighting. Imagine playing through iconic sword fights from the past with the parries and combos from MGR.
>Raiden vs Solidus
>Mr.X vs Snake
>Raiden vs Vamp
They could even add in some fights that we never knew about. Like, imagine the shit that Greyfox did during his escape from Paramedic in 2003. It would a tribute to the cyborg ninjas of the past. They could even bring back Monsoon and have him be like Ocelot for Raiden, a recurring villain. Monsoon is technically a cyborg ninja and he was the coolest wind of destructuon. MGR2 could do so much cool shit and I hope they capitalize on being set in the Metal Gear universe

He lost and was bleeding out. His options were
>live and work for Armstrong
Since Armstrong's poetry also tried to appeal to Sam's goals too.

No seriously

>>he barely had any cyborg enhancements
people keep saying this but I'm pretty sure his suit is a suped up version of Snake's octocamo suit that enhances your capabilities. Because if it's not, then Sam is straight up Superhuman, in which case the "he was just a human" thing also falls short. I do fucking love Sam though, and I wish his DLC was longer. I still don't know why Armstrong was like 10x stronger in his fight. I went in thinking I knew his moves but he fucked me up real good.

The swordless part is only 65 down to 40 % of his hp. It doesn't slow the fight down much at all, he can't do any combos you have to wait out and block and he can't block you either.
The last 40 % phase of the fight is where it slows down and can get annoying. He leaps away from you a lot to do those stupid charging attacks that take forever or throw rocks at you which you can't punish well depending of your distance.