Causes the downfall of vidya

>causes the downfall of vidya

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Can it make it happen sooner? It's taking too long.

2014 was truely the worst year of the 2010s.

More like the downfall of Zig Forums. After GG and especially after 2016 all the boards are flooded with culture war faggots from reddit.

4 more years tranny

It was all starting in 2013 right under everyone's noses. I saw it coming.

Gaming was dead long before that. The party responsible is Sony and the shitstation brand.

And it's only going to get worse with this year's election

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The only good GamerGate supporter is a dead GamerGate supporter.

>The party responsible is Microsoft and the xbox brand
FTFY. Gaming was fine before they entered the console market.

I followed GG at the start because I too felt gaming journalism was corrupt as fuck. By the end of GG I no longer thought so. I thought GG wold uncover so much. There were so many people working on it, and they found absolutely fucking nothing.
>but GJP!
GJP actually proved how clean the journalists were. We uncovered the entirety of a secret list where game journalists could communicate... and what was there? Nothing. Absolutely fucking nothing.
To this day I haven't heard of a single thing uncovered by GG that amounted to anything. One of the GG drones will throw some wiki at you, tell you to educate yourself, or just start posting about fucking Zoe Quinn for the billionth time. Name three things GG uncovered that proved videogame journalism was corrupt. No wikis, no bullshit infographs, just tell me. Should be easy, right? I mean, GG wasn't WRONG and the game journalists were SO corrupt so there must be a million things you could reply with.
Just three will do, I'll be waiting.

Oh, and just so you don't waste your time, a journalist having a left wing opinion isn't corruption. I'm talking about an actual breach of ethics. I'm all ears.

2012 was

>a literal slide thread in Zig Forums and not Zig Forums
go away

to what

>slide thread

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Nah, female supremacists and sjws were already destroying everything and everyone in their path. Most media have been reduced to worthless trash. At least some people stopped having fear about criticizing sjws because of GG. They aren't still achieving anything (complaining on Zig Forums won't solve things), but at least there's some people who won't accept being insulted and treated like trash only because they are men.

no that was journos. gg just shined the light on it

>more minorities in gaming
>more women
>more LGBT in gaming
>companies more leftist today

GG failed.

stale tactics just make it more transparent, you dipshits

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>more companies going broke after getting woke
Not a total loss.

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It's actually amazing to me how the elites managed to completely change the narrative. Is this what Occupy Wallstreet felt like?

The only thing I know is that slide threads are apparently Zig Forums and are meant to hide other threads (somehow). What's being slid you mouth breathing faggot?

GG unironically made me really right wing and now 7 years later after actually researching and listening to arguments from both sides I'm almost full SJW
really didnt see this coming lmao

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Not vidya.


And good riddence.

GamerGate was the tipping point when Zig Forums truly became colonized by social media

Just like GG, you were fooled. It doesn't matter if entertainment journalism is corrupt or not. The thing that is making people upset that they are having trouble vocalizing for some reason is that entertainment journalism serves no purpose at all. By 2014, Zig Forums was already like 9 years old and boards like gamefaqs and gamespy network were even older. Focusing discussion around communities was generally better at disseminating information and just more interesting than having some paid faggot huff his own farts.
The corruption angle never really made much sense because regardless of whether it's true, who even fucking cares? They write worthless garbage about video games for pennies.

vidya deserves to die

the definition of unbased

it was going downhill since 2009. only retards just realized it around 2014.

It matters because legitimate sources like games jurnos are who normies, lawmakers, game devs, etc., listen to as representatives.
It doesn't directly matter to us, but indirectly it determines which games are made and by who, who gets jobs in the industry, what behaviour is considered acceptable within the institutions that do things like ban you and take your game away, and so on, because these things are all determined top-down not bottom-up.

I don't buy the accusations that she fucked journalists to where she was but
>what is pushing for Anita's claims that non-issues were actually issues in videogames
>what is the flood of "Gamers are dead" articles
>what is Crash Override Network
>what is Moot falling for a Gawker journalist and getting cucked
It was just the nail in the coffin, but journalism has always been corrupt lately to some degree and this was obvious with certain reviews, and partly because if they don't review games highly enough they can get denied from having reviewer copies again. It's a sick system and they're actually perpetuating and falling for it
>what is the TLOU2 reviews when the game was considered by many of the people who actually played it drab
>what is "journalists" barely liking videogames for what they are and demanding most games to have accessibility and easy difficulty modes
>what is "journalists" being incompetent as fuck at the games they review, including Cuphead, Doom 2016 and the new Spongebob videogame (and the latter they reviewed negatively)
>what is "journalists" encouraging you to stand still and accept videogames that cost 70$
Videogame "journalism" is a mix of incompetence and corruption that lacks any bite or generally any redeeming quality save for the rare journalist that actually enjoys videogames, and Zoe Quinn was a manipulative bitch with strings all over the vidya journalism industry and some media sites too.

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