Why did he do it?

Why did he do it?

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he no longer has to imagine the smell

he even planned it out and planted some belonging under her seat to get his nose as close as possible.

Literally based. Absolute chad.

Everyone is saying "he was just picking something up" which is true if you watch the VOD. However, of course he's going to be picking something up. He's not going to make it that obvious if he was trying to sniff. It's like when a guy pretends to tie his shoe to get a better view of a girl's ass. It's the oldest trick in the book. people don't seem to realize he can be both picking something up and sniffing her seat. The two things aren't mutually exclusive.

If he really wasn't trying to sniff though, then what I wanna know is why did he pick up his item so awkwardly? Like when you're sitting down and something is at your feet, how often do you turn 180 degrees and bend all the way over to pick it up? It makes no sense.

Also look at how much attention he is paying to the girl. The gif starts out with him staring at her, then as she's getting up it looks like he tries to peak at her cleavage. As shes walking away he looks back up at her to make sure she isn't looking, then he makes his move.

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He followed his dreams
Can any of you lads say the same?

also he had 2 tactical cokes

Why did he do it?

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same girl?

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Because autism

Why did >she do it?

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Why didnt he do it? Please tell me there's more

Based Chad not trying to get #MeTooed

He's a professional entertainer after all

Why didn't he do it?

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>dude just put yourself out there and you'll make friends

trannies are actually fucking retarded
literally just men dressing up and pretending to be their gross fantasy of what women are

Bad advice for a sperg

and people defend that shit

I'd sniff her chair too.

>turn 360 degrees and walk away
gets me every time

>the way he turns around

This felt almost like watching that one journalist playing Cuphead

holy kek
god i love watching autism

Why did she do it?

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good advice for meek people who are overly self conscious, spergs don't need to be told to put themselves out there.

I love this one because you can clearly see in his face the "oh shit how do I navigate this social situation" gears cranking in his head and how much fun he's not having.

Should have sat down and preserved your dignity.

Which reminds me, does anyone have the webm of all the speedrunners doing some faggy anime dance and Caveman is just sitting there with his arms crossed and a scowl on his face?


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the more i hear the more based he becomes

didnt the girl say that he was grabbing something from under the chair?

He speed runs a shitty PS1 game. He’s the opposite of based.

so? do you think he's just going to sniff the chair without a distraction?


what perverted FREAK

>tomba! 2

>she pulls his hands in at the end
wtf i thought you guys said roasties arent based

Dude in a silk dress

hey "speedrun" fags, how does it feel knowing any gamers with skills are going into esports instead of your autistic hobby? speedrunning will soon only be mid level streamers and players so physically infirm they can't keep up with anyone with actual skill.

High score marathons>Fighting Games Competition>Arena Shooters>Starcraft & AoE>Team-based Shooters>ASSFAGGOTS>Quake 1 done fast>degenerate """"""""""Speed running""""""""

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NOOOOOO stop invalidating my incel fantasies! women are cruel whores that would laugh at me if i were in the same room as them!

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Wait what, it was consensual, the thot sucked off some guys and then fucked Stiv in private while the husband was driving home, Stiv might be a twat for plowing a friend's wife but he isn't a rapist. This shit really needs to stop.

they fucked

How can women end careers with a simple tweet?

I had a friend that was like this everyday in school and in the freetime. He was a pedo too. Weird faggot he was Kek.

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If she was the only one in that seat, I would def have done that. Do you know how many trannies probably sat in that very chair? Fucking gross. That said, I've done stuff like this. Not proud of it but im not ashamed.

so what is your professional opinion? did he sniff?

based as fuck