What's your excuse for not playing Overwatch right now?
What's your excuse for not playing Overwatch right now?
Busy fapping with the guys over at /trash/
Game sux
It's a bad, boring game
It's a worthless trash game with sole redeeming feature of waifus, which I can fap to without having to play.
Body built for serving BBC
Shit game
Stopped being fun.
Cause it's a shitty team base shooter.
Tell me why you are playing it OP
>StudioFOW got a C&D from Blizzard after their WoW Porn Parody
>They didn't even consider touching overwatch
say what you want about them but they were the best for a couple of months.
>They never released ASStroid:Primed.
It's a really shitty game. Boring as hell.
This has been the case since about a month after its release. It never managed to get better, only worse.
>all those goosebumps
did she forget to pay her heating bill?
Dealing with Alatreon is unironically more fun than is in its current state.
just post more porn already
Blizzard is still sucking China's tiny dick.
Also the game is shit.
imagine playing a baby game
Porn good, game is shit
i play a superior game right now
Queen of Diamonds
made for Big Hispanic cock
Bad game. Only good for cooming to the characters.
it's been too long since I last played it and therefore have no desire to return to it. No amount of new characters or maps can draw me back
Big Bavarian Cocks.
I run lolnux and have 4 gigs of RAM
>instead of trannies the playerbase is full of furries and bots (and still trannies)
that ass is just too realistic
It's shit
You keep making the same shitty threads over and over
If you're a shill then kys already, if not, still do it
That's about it
it's shit
Checked, we need to save Overwatch somehow.
I'm not a faggot.
I used to play Team Fortress so my standards are kinda high.
TF2 Classic exists now.
No doomguy as a special guest.
Which is lame, no doomguy=no play (also, SlayerxMercy/Briggite).
a fps needs to be, at minimum, 15v15 to be good
needs more skins with feet
Game sucks.