Reminder that Zig Forums is a Chuggaaconroy approved board

Reminder that Zig Forums is a Chuggaaconroy approved board

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is based

Attached: chuggaa is really feeling it.jpg (241x854, 89.48K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Why is he so based, bros?

post the one with his bare feet

>Zig Forums approved
>No tits
Fuck off newfag

I want all 7 inches of chuggaa's cock in my throat, balls pressed against my lips, as I go down on him underneath his desk while he plays on his switch

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This fat fuck would get sick every other god damn week he faked it just to be more of a lazy hack

Ok Masae, kinda weird posting this here.

God Emile is like the fucking opposite of chis chan

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Jon stop posting and finish Superman 64 already.

nigga he will never finish that shit
once you go variety streamer you never go back

NintendoCapriSun is the king of Zig Forums and all of Zig Forums

>that time chuggaconroy was given a wedgie live

chuggaa is not for lewd, retards

Anyone have the NCS farts inquisitively image?

I think when you drink multiple cans of coke a day and are a recovering smoker, its hard to be happy with your body again.

Fucking never ever
>its another "Tim holds a note for a full God damn minute while Jon and Emile have to wait for him to finish"
Because he's the only one who does it for fun

How the hell does Chugga make money anyway? His posting style is completely antithetical to the algorithm but he still manages to make a living off his videos even while taking time off between series.

Witness peak male performance, wizardry and canadian power

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No idea, considering he doesn't stream and TRG's videos are handled by someone else whom he pays for to do so.
My guess is he is heavily promoted on the YouTube kids app and gets tons of ad revenue despite not having as many views.

But he's always been like this, even during the adpocalypse. Yeah he's kid friendly but I don't think I've ever heard of his audience coming from YouTube kids especially when the money maker there is popular games like roblox, fortnite, and Minecraft. His target demographic seems to be 12 year old Scott the Woz's and there can't be many of those out there.

Hopefully one day as a mini series he plays future connected so we get more XB1 from him

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You guys are acting as if he only gets views in the 100's.
He has a dedicated audience and gets 50k+ views for pretty much anything he uploads, that's a lot of views for a Let's Play in 2020.

I guess.
I don't know numbers but I often hear youtubers complaining that getting 1mil views will only make you like a couple hundred of bucks. So I just go by that with Chuggaa, probably not even making a few dozen per video.

That's exactly what I'm asking, why does he have such a stable following? Don't get me wrong, I think he's great and deserves everything he gets. He's just such an oddity in youtube

he's been around a long time, also helps he shares in collabs with a lot of other popular people

Scott's father works at Google, so his videos are always at the top of the algorithm.
Now I wouldn't be surprised if Scott was such a fan of a fellow Nintendo fanatic like Chuggaa, that his dad pulled some strings for Chuggaa's continued success.

That sounds a bit conspiracy theoryish. Not saying it's wrong, just that I'd need more evidence to believe it.

it's just my lil conspiracy theory, user. I got no proof and don't feel like convincing the world of my bullshit lol
thought I've only heard scott's dad works at google, it would explain a great many things. such as why he has so much money to blow on those shitty old nintendo shovelware titles and peripherals.

Glad I'm not the only one who thinks he's got old money to burn. I don't know how anyone could collect games and still have enough money for regular things. Now at least he's making fat youtube money, but it doesn't explain his collection of expensive things.

>Youll never be blocked by pat sajak because you played wheel of fortune on wii

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>such as why he has so much money to blow
pretty sure he's in school so lets break this down
>in school, likely collects grants, scholarship, loans, etc
>does youtube, raking in hundreds of thousands to millions of views
>rents what is most likely a two bedroom upper in bumfuck Ohio
yeah pretty easy to see how the kid has a good amount of dosh if you ask me

>His absurdly expensive items he gifts to Stephen
God DAMN Chuggaa

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lol but why

Oh shit I think I remember this, he mentioned it in a video, didn't he?
Chuggaa just laughed at the fact when he brought it up iirc.

here's the real question;
which board was the best for fortune street?

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That looks claustrophobic

>A good thread on Zig Forums

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looks so yeah, but I would probably find it to be a cozy workstation

>Their next mario party is gonna be MP9

Well MP was good while it lasted, a good 9-10 years of great MP episodes

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If he moved that shelf somewhere else, it wouldn't be so bad.

Where do I get a monado


Only acceptable lets player