Rts / stealth aoe2de recruitment thread

>enjoy RTS
>be shit at it
Is this (You)?

Remember playing with Zig Forums can help you out! Just ask people to play!

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I want to play an rts

>grid mod

>enjoy RTS
>can even finish most campaigns
How do i suck less at this genre?

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make more villagers

Which one?

any one to be honest, though admittedly ive never played aoe2 although i have it

If on AoE2DE, play the art of war campaign until you get silver medals (you won't get gold medals by following the ingame instructions). That should be enough to get you through the campaigns on Standard.

You wanna play aoe2?

I can see my dead meatshield.


>enjoy rts
>only multiplayer I play are comp-stomps with randoms

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Made a lobby: vee
pw: rage

>forest nothing is comfy as fuck
>AI is too retarded to build in confined quarters
>resigns the second i hit imperial because they're still on the dark age, still chopping away with their starting villagers

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ok, i didnt know i uninstalled it, so im downloading it again, its at 85%

which games?

>Is this (You)?

>Remember playing with Zig Forums can help you out! Just ask people to play!
this might come as a shocker to you, but being crushed three minutes in by someone several orders of magnitude better at the game than you doesn't actually teach you that much because the power gap is too large
you learn much better by playing against people of a similar skill level because when you fuck up, you can still understand what you did wrong other than pick the wrong person to play against

There are different skill levels among Zig Forums regular aoe2 players tho.


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>this might come as a shocker to you, but being crushed three minutes in by someone several orders of magnitude better at the game than you doesn't actually teach you that much because the power gap is too large
>you learn much better by playing against people of a similar skill level because when you fuck up, you can still understand what you did wrong other than pick the wrong person to play against
Whenever I face my friends in Starcraft, I know my fuck up is I have too much money, but I have no idea how to actually spend it all quick enough.

it took me a while to gain enough awareness to realize when i was floating too many resources and how to spend it
generally speaking, you wanna grab any upgrades for your army you haven't grabbed yet, grab another expansion if you're not within one base of how many the other player has, and failing that just build more of the building you use to pump out your army. you can also use a bit on static defenses, but don't overdo it, army is usually more effective, you really only want a couple static defense buildings per base.

haha barracks go braaap

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I always thought from their sprite that they were wearing disco bell-bottoms.

they look like the italian guys

What's bad about it?

nothing is bad, it and mini-trees mod are just a sign that you're a scrub
i am too, so dont worry.

stop baiting

>shitting on mini-trees mod
nobody cares about your opinion, campaignkiddie. come back when you've played some real games against humans and lost because you couldn't see the tree was hiding a path into your base around your walls

Celtfag reportan
Who wants to get his ass whooped?

i am not shitting on it when i openly admit to using it, you dunce

me on the left

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top tier players use mini trees mod
nobody wants to lose a game because of a missing piece of palisade