>Still no skindetation physichs
When will developers do this?

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I'd rather have hand crafted skindetation . It has more soul than computer interpretation.

What's with her toes, that looks uncomfortable

Name 10 games that would greatly improve the game experience by adding skin dentation

Dark Souls
Demon Souls
New Vegas
Fallout 4
Fallout 76
Monster Hunter World
Cyberpunk 2077

she bought one size too small

Someone post that one webm of Wild Life with boob squish physics.

Every game

bump for interest
coomer games like Wild Life and Yiffalicious 2 are unironically at the cutting edge of real-time technologies. Not many other kinds of game have a real use case for soft body or liquid simulation.

>Wild Life and Yiffalicious 2 are unironically at the cutting edge of real-time technologies
Turns out when you don't have feminist warpigs breathing down your neck you can do stuff.

just model it in there and add animation or use the same boob tech doa used

muh foreskindetation physichs

>skindentation physics
one of the bigger wastes of time unless you want to make a proper coomer game

do i get one in the afterlife

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Code Vein.


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Explain why “skindentation” is considered sexy

Attached: BCB4EAD0-8F1E-4E87-91FD-0137EE51602F.jpg (970x746, 67.31K)

women's soft legs

Softcore voyerism games like DoA are incredibly disappointing specifically because flesh and fabric physics are so primitive or nonexistent.

Skindention requires advanced skeleton and mesh. At this point they still have not reached flowing hair for that to matter.

Does it really? Isn't it possible to approximate it with some kind of shader magic?

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This. Unfortunately, good fluid and cloth physics are hard to create, very demanding computationally and can hit uncanny valley very easily.

Post the large 3D printed 2b sculpture

Padding as my head is being crushed between muscular thighs.

it's the non-covered parts that bulge out in response

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yeah, those tight stocking really transform her into a thing of beauty

Attached: tight.jpg (2333x1555, 274.04K)

that's why fictional toons are always superior taste over realism

>3D women


>not even the good kind

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Stupid meme

I've had this shit happen to me on both feet, twice. Fucking sucks man.

the irony that OPs image has no physics either. The skindetation is carved in...

good thing i only jack off to cartoons and videos of women in the peak

Only Japan understands skindentation

Western cuck devs are too busy adding gay faggot mentally ill trannies