>he creates characters based on his IRL look and self-inserts
He creates characters based on his IRL look and self-inserts
>he uses his real name as his username
What are some fun games where you play a balding 20-something with an eyepatch and a cane?
you can try russian roulette
I only do this on western games, on japanese games I make a perfect anime girl
It depends on the game.
well I am buff, good looking, and confident in real life so it makes sense I would want my character to be just as great as I. Just cause you fags are fat shits doesn't mean you have to project on the rest of us
>he posts fotm anime girls
Russian roulette with 6 bullets
>he actually make's an ugly 1 to 1 of him
I wish more people did that
>he's npc who plays his asigned role instead of just being yourself and dominating the game world
Is this a shota? He cute
Fuck she's ugly.
>>he creates characters based on his IRL look and self-inserts
Why yes.
why would i want to be somebody else user ?
No, I make female characters that look like my ex
It's a shortstack
i cant tho
most games dont have a balding option
I make shortstacks
>he posts anime pictures
I create a boy then make him look like a girl.
she really is
No, it's girl. Annoying girl that wants to play and bothers her senpai all the time. Honestly,that's pretty much whole plotline.
pretty based
>he has his year of birth in his username
russian roulette but with a glock
>he has a "surf club 1975" shirt but he was born in 1998
>he makes himself as a girl
>he spins a narrative about why I would ever play a girl in games when the answer will always be "because I can"
Tony Hawk's Underground 2
>he has current year in his username
why yes, i do this all the time, how did you tell?
>western game
make him look like me
>jap game
make a cute tan tomboy
>he uses "xx" in his username
>he uses "Uchiha" in his username
I don’t understand why anyone would be against this. If you have creative control over your character why not make them resemble you?
Because I'm not a narcissist?
I don't. It just happens that whatever JRPG I am currently playing, I look just like the MC. Pic related, currently playing through P5R and I look like this IRL.
As opposed to what, the flowery anime girl you wish you could be?
>profile contains 69
you have good taste user.
this is the best answer ITT
women usually look like shit in western games so you might as well make a male character that looks like you or looks cool
>he plays as a boy
Question: Who is this again? It started with a U?
sugoi dekai
Sugoi Dekai
>he plays as the little girl in an MMO
>doesn't use excuses either
I don't use any numbers in my usernames. Instead, I use funny sounding word I made up
It's the final Character creation redpill
Besides, in most anime games the males look like twinks, so I'd rather go all the way
Sugoi Oppai