Worst Online Players

Why are Spaniards so bad in online games guys? And who else is on the list of 'worst countries to play with' ?

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Frogs and Krauts fucking suck at MMOs.

High unemployment and depression

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Because Spaniards are just spics with even shittier accent.

i dont know but matching with french people in smash or mario maker coop usually makes me question existence
they lag the fuck out of the game till you want to kill yourself

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Yes to the first no to the second. Ive never met anyone depressed in my life.

spaniard have one of the the lowest depression rate in europe
it's like they're so smug about living they can't feel anything else
i'm envious desu

sunlight helps with depression actually so that makes sense
most high depression rate countries are very cold, like russia with the 40% suicide rate

You actually meet spaniards online?
i thought they were like the italians, fucking nowhere compared to scandis/brits/germs/etc.

would make sense

>eternal anglo anomaly

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Are italians fun to play with? I can't imagine getting mad playing with one.

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a serious answer is that anglos take vitamin supplements a lot compared to the rest of europe
a meme answer is that anglos have no human emotions and are already dead inside

>anglos take vitamin supplements
Are you serious? Like how common is this, what do they take, when? Is it a social thing or what
This sound completely alien to me

yeah doctors prescripe you vitamin D supplements all the time in the UK i hear
I live in krautland and I take full A to Z just incase but its not a social thing here
I hear it is in the UK but again you'd need a british guy to confirm this

Brazilians, arabs, irans, iraqs, pakis, indians, chinks, africans, any blacks, saudis, basically everyone except English, American, German and Fin Dutch n Japs fuck everyone else literally fuck the whole world killyourselfs and stay off my vidya

t. French. Eat shit and die in your nigger infested country

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mfw im an arab and i used to ruin games with my 200 ping

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Lmao. Are we your boogeyman? We literally never think about you guys at all.. Sorry

>Why are Spaniards so bad in online games guys?
we don't actually care, it's a fucking game
And who else is on the list of 'worst countries to play with' ?
frenchies are way worse

OP is most probably a Latin American who got tired of talking shit about Argentineans.

15 years ago Germans were Spanish tier niggers who couldn't speak English.

It isn't like France thinks about any other country either anyways. You guys won't even speak in english in an online match

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>good weather
>good gastronomy
>live in a coastal zone -> tourist chicks partying in summer
>live in a rural zone -> tourist chicks partying during the annual festival
>football hooliganism and football 2 (also known as politics) hooliganism give a faux motivation in life
it's very hard to get depressed in here

Yeah they are pretty bad, but imo Polish players are worst

What the fuck does that image even mean?

it makes sense if you're spanish

>spain, nigger infested
>comming from a literal french

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They're good players but they're racist as hell. Spanish women can get my BBC.

i visited paris
theyre assholes i know they speak english but they wont reply to you unless you speak french
they can suck my asscheeks seriously atleast i can excuse someone if they dont speak english but french people are just dicks

>good weather
You son of a bitch, I'm literally getting cooked here, summer is fucking awful.

>German complaining about others' internet

official ranking of worst players
1. turks
2. russians
3. romanians
4. poles
5. hungarians

Can you explain the joke? Does it have to do with pronunciation?

If you think spaniards are bad you never played with turks

Nah it’s most likely spics starting shit because they live eternally envious of the spanish

Germans and it's not even close


I am spanish tho

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every non-Parisian French I've ever met has said Paris is a shithole

The French are the biggest faggots in the world. As soon as I enter a game and hear their honhonhon language in the team voice chat, it immediately pisses me off. They can't speak a lick of English and at the slightest offense, will likely teamkill, insult, or troll.

Russians can either be assholes or bro tier no in between with them.

Chinese are probably the worst. As soon someone mention china or its gov, they immediately quit

40 degrees here, I live in a fucking sauna, but I'd chose this over getting -20 in winter. I can stand heat, I can't stand cold
the joke is literally 'Arriba España', which is often said to piss off separatists and other leftist people here. It's a silly visual joke like pic related

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Arriba España. Literal translation "Spain up", basically means "Spain's the best" or "Spain over anything else".

that's what makes it rich since my internet is shit and its still better than them

They still are. Most Germans have extremely rudimentary level English and are literally incapable of detecting sarcasm or pretty much any mood that isn't deadpan, unless it's dressed with dozens of emoticons.

I've lived in france for 8 years in France and i have literally never heard any french actually giving a fuck about spain, both in good and bad way.
They like to go to spain to get cheap stuff and that's about it.
Frogs mostly hate the brits and sometime the germans too.

>and are literally incapable of detecting sarcasm or pretty much any mood that isn't deadpan
can they even detect it in german?

>im spanish though

indonesians/Vitamnese are the worst for me, they spam chat like hell