Which one is your favorite?
3 was one. Improved the mechanics of the previous games and had great character moments and set pieces
Which one is your favorite?
3 was one. Improved the mechanics of the previous games and had great character moments and set pieces
I like two but I feel it was still too clunky. I played the collection so I don't know if it was 2 had a bigger impact when it was out.
The first game was a mess control wise.
Personally I preferred 2. Screaming Serbian is a great villain and 3+4 kind of copy it to death.
Villain wants the treasure BECAUSE it's a nightmare weapon
Elena break up drama diarrhea (seriously, there's no reason she couldn't have been in the loop about Sam. Nate is a douche for doing that shit.)
Chloe is great and has a great arc
Flynn is a great douchebag
I feel like 3 had better character stuff for Nate and Sully, and 4 had better visuals and gameplay. But the dumb shit with Nate and Elena leaves a bad taste in my mouth, and everything with Sam's existence feels very tacked on. Also 4 had no pseudo-mystical doomsday macguffin so points off. Rafe is the best part.
Thought I was gonna hate Lost Legacy, but I wound up really liking it.
Definitely going to need to place Lost Legacy
Why the fuck would Nate not tell Elena about Sam? There's nothing to indicate she wouldn't understand, she knows Nate can take care of himself. Hell, she'd probably come along. We've known since 1 she's dangerously competent. Hell, she's more capable than Chloe or Nadine.
It didn't make sense but I don't think it was too much of a hindrance on the story
2 is my favorite because it's endlessly replayable
4 would probably be my favorite if the pacing wasn't a goddamn slog
I didn’t played them in a long time but 2
I think Sam's existence is retarded. Like I don't mind the character, but they spend all of 3 basically drilling that Sully is Nate's true father figure and in 4 it turns out he's had this big brother all along that he or Sully never mentioned? And this was from the dev that touted itself as THE cinematic game studio? Just left a bad taste in my mouth, along with the "Greed is the real monster" shit. Rafe was wasted on that game.
2, but 3 was a close second
when a person says the words set pieces I instantly know he's a loser faggot
I enjoyed 1 for what it was, I don't get the hate it gets, especially when people say they love 2 but hate 1. 2 is without a doubt the best but I enjoy 1.
My favorite is the one in which Nathan starts dating Leon.
>I think Sam's existence is retarded
Yeah. He kind of funny doe
>I want the treasure to prove that I don't need my mommy and daddy's money to do great things
>So I'll use mommy and daddy's money to hire a PMC to find the treasure for me
2 > 3 > 4 > 1
haven't played LL yet
i have to admit, Nadine kind of grew on me after Lost Legacy
4 has the best mechanical gameplay but it also started current ND's obsession with flashbacks and short gameplay cut aways. 3 has such a terribly paced story as well when you look back at it, a third of the game is spent on the cruise ship. I would still say 4 is my overall favorite but its been a while since I played so I forget if the pacing really is as bothersome as Zig Forums says. 4 & 2 are definitely the top 2 though.
My favorite is 2, an example of perfect pacing in a game/story. 3 is obvious that they designed the set pieces first and then the story around it which makes the story suffer a bit, altough it's a fun game. 4 had odd pacing with either walking or fighting segments dragging on for too long, and i didn't buy some stuff about the story (no one knew that the drug dealer had died like a year ago? really?). Haven't played 1.
>a third of the game is spent on the cruise ship.
The pirate section in total is like a third or a quarter, but that’s fine because it’s the best part
The shipyard was amazing. I didn't understand the weird difficulty spikes in that game maybe it was just in the collection.
After 4 I definitely want to play it since the gameplay was great.
I guess its okay to feel that way from a gameplay perspective but that section does not move the story forward in any way, which completely fucks the story pacing.
I've only played 4, so by default that wins.
2 because of the perfect pacing.
>Gameplay wise: 2=3>4>1
>Story wise: 1=2>4>3
I've beaten Uncharted 2 at least 25-30 times since it released 11 years ago, one of my favorite games of all time
3 had the best setpiece moments, the ship and the plane, but 4 and Lost Legacy were my favorites
it's fun but it's a 2 hour section you could remove and it wouldn't change the story at all
2>3>>>>>>>>>>Four gameplay-wise is fantastic, too bad Druckman got the idea he had to "deconstruct" an adventure game. And add Sam and Nadine for whatever reason.
>dude you can't just drop everything and go treasure hunting that'll ruin your personal and professional life
>dude violence has a cost
no shit that's why i play video games and don't do it in real life
>dude we're so much more mature now we don't need fantasy elements or megalithic ancient structures let's just have a big wood city somewhere haha like that's where you go that's what the adventure is
fuck druckman and fuck naughty dog
yeah i kinda feel like 4 took itself too seriously for what the franchise had always been