Why did it die?

why did it die?

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>literally the most successful anime fighting game besides fighterz
by being an anime fighting game anyways

Still alive to me. People still play CF

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Because it's not as good as Guilty Gear.

>lets follow crapcom with selling patchs as games!
>nothing can go wrong!
>also lets ruin the balance

A lot of anime fighters means more of a divide in the community members. If that community made rollback netcode patch happens then it'll get a breathe of life.

people are still playing CF and BBTAG.

we had a lobby last night
you should have been there to spectate so you can pretend you were participating

I was able to play some matches last night, it's alive enough for me.

*gets away with everything scot-free*

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>made because yakuza got the rights of GG
>Mori milked BB until the last drop
>get GG back
>Mori don't care about it anymore

>>literally the most successful anime fighting game besides fighterz
Thats like earning gold on the paralympics

>That scene in Alter Memory where he mind breaks Noel

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Are there any Arcsys games, or anime fighters in general, that have good netcode?

iirc xx got a fanmade rollback

Melty Blood, it's also free

Depending on how you define anime fighter, Skullgirls and TFH.
He also mind-raped Makoto in her CS2 Bad ending.

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ggpo+r isn't out yet.

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>made because yakuza got the rights of GG

I fucking wish. Kiryu in Strive when?


I got into BB with CS, but when they started releasing yearly entries AND shoving DLC into each one on top of it I realized Arcsys was worse than Capcom could ever be.

I'm playing it right now. Trying to learn a new character.

I spit on dubfags who were so buttblasted about CF not having a dub that they boycotted the game.
Like holy shit, i understand being attached to it but why not appreciate the JP voice work once in a while too? Seitz is talented but he's no Sugita.
And who the fuck actually likes any of the female dub voices.
Don't even think to tell me you're about to complain about being unable to read subs at a decent pace because you're going to read a shitton anyway

Just imagine. There's an alternate timeline where Guilty Gear would have appeared along side Kiryu and Majima on a 'Sega All-Stars' fighter game.

they really are worse about it
that's why i waited until last year's summer steam sale to pick up bbcf
that and all the "muh dubs" whiners complaining about "cut" content when it was never in the game to be cut
now a legit cut content is when parts of story mode don't even get included in the game because the localizers were too lazy to translate that

same, trying out Hakumen

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Bad netcode

It works fine when I play people 1 bar and up unless they're running on a toaster which happens often.

Melty Blood
basically everything handled by westerners

The people who give bad netcode as an excuse color me as the ones with the terrible internet to begin with

i started playing a few days ago on pc, but it has a few optimization issues with my PC, namely displaying at wrong resolutions and the character select screen being weirdly laggy

Have been having fun playing tho, even if its just against cpus

Mori is working on his FGO-clone Blazblue mobage and we won't get another BB fighting game until that shit is finished

Maybe they could link the mobage with the new fighitng game so you could get blazblue currency from playing and unlock costumes or items

dunno if itll fix it, but you could try getting the performance improvement mod

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