Okay guys give me your best gaming story

Okay guys give me your best gaming story.

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One time I used the n-word over voice chat and someone had a major meltdown for the rest of the game, ranting and swearing at me the whole time while screaming for the admin to have me removed.

It was epic.

I was in a match with a grill gaymer once who was super annoying and constantly seeking attention so I called her a cunt and she started crying.

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I yelled nigger once in the voice chat and everyone clapped. They said they respected me for saying what no one else would. I received a few gifted games on Steam that day.

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When I was 10, I was a leader of a clan in some forgotten game. Members of my clan mainly consisted of +30 year olds and I was larping as an 18 year old. Some of them had kids who were 10 years old as my real age back then. When they heard my voice on TeamSpeak, they all gtfo from the clan in a matter of week.

Some nerd yelled "nigger" in voice chat, he was kicked for cheating shortly after.

I told a forum I had someone SWATted once and they all got super-pissed at me but I never did it and just told them that to see their reaction.

I gifted a copy of Player Unknown Battlegrounds to some sperg who kept stammering and muttering "n-n-niggers" in voice chat. I told him it was because I respected his bravery for saying such a controversial word, but really it was just so I could sip from his tears as he will inevitably rage at playing a game full of nothing but chinks who cheat to win.

>battlefield modern combat
>backstab map
>new match
>in rear of humvee out of the gate
>newfag votes to kick me b/c he salty
>literally hail mary rpg enemy chopper with quad kill
>all before the first flag

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Oh god, BF2:MC.

Best thing I ever had in that was one time when we were on Bridge Too Far and I bailed out of a chopper just as someone shot it down and screamed the username of the guy who was still in it all the way down.

Everytime I play Doublecross as Sniper I love tormenting the spies that try to get easy picks on me. My favorite one was recently:
>spy is bugged so he has the vaccinator bullet resistance sign above him at all times
>another spy main looking guy is using the cloak and dagger in that spot on the balcony by the barrels
>a third is dead ringing whenever i catch him
>headshot the invisible spy as he comes across the bottom bridge
>the spy main decloaks and i jarate him, also dousing the dead ringer spy
>bushwhacker them both
>dead ringer spy gets away so i chase him down into the sewer to shoot him with my sniper
>can't find him
>engie's shit is getting sapped, heard the voiceline, so i go up by intel to find the spy in that little shed with the drop down into the sewer
>headshot him at point blank
Fucking felt great. We still lost though, but I love shitting on spies so much.

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>Download Dynamic Recon Ops for Arma 3
>Get used to it over the months
>Start one mission
Goes well, as in it loads properly
>Shit infill, helo shot down after it dropped us off
Didn't know that could happen...
>larp to helo, no pilots, assume dead, call medevac (as a larp)
>Skinnies en route
>Gunfight lasts 30min
>2 WIA
>Reach town near the water
>Informant dead/missing/glitched

Pt 1/2

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i called someone a nigger in chat and the entire server shifted to politics


>Collect thoughts, almost call in extrac....
"4 is down"
"6 is down"
>Order men to circle the wagons and hold
>1hr firefight commences
>We're all wounded
>Have to move 3kms to extract zone
>Technical yolos into perimeter and hits tower
>Runs over 2 guys
>Mosin them from 2ft away
>Load last 3 into technical
>Dip the fuck out
>Hold for 10min at LZ, then call in helo
>Finish, Arma crashes

Not an exciting read, very intense gameplay.

Backstab was so good, i used to run up and blowtorch snipers to death, it became my mission to humiliate them. And then i tried sniping and realized why they didn't care. That map was like a feeding frenzy

>on Bridge Too Far
Oh man i loved just calling in arty on the chinks in that map. I just constantly spammed it from a prone position

>playing NHL 11 online
>using the worst team in the game (team japan) for the lulz
>opponent picks the best team in the game (team canada)
>I manage to score 2 goals and play keep away for most of the game
>he rage quits and sends me angry messages
>I check his game profile
>he's got about 2000 games played with 75% victory
>my insides enter orbit

My experience was "playing as the Americans meant you lose". I almost never lost if I was on the opfor.


come to think of it, the sniper glare came back in bf4 didn't it?
It was borderline impossible to camp as a discreet sniper back then unless the other team had lag issues
DSL was widely used by players back then, many free kills were had

One time I messed with my friends controller and made him loose the match. We started mess with each other's controllers more and more until eventually he pushed me over and got on top of me and we started making out. Then he sucked my dick. This started a casual gay sex relationship between us for the next 4 years

What was that map with the cargo tanks?
artillary was the bane of snipers on that map, they'd always camp on some scaffolding at the base

I actually can't remember any map besides Backstab or Bridge Too Far. Literally that's what everyone always chose.

>Played as a clown named RAAAAAADICAL RAAAAAANDY and went around with a skateboard and backwards hat slamming into shit and going flying, yelling 90s slang, and emoting kickflips and shit
>beat the mime to death with my skateboard for trying to break into the brig thus winning security's trust
>started a skateboarding trend. Station was pretty much filled with dudes riding around on skateboards slamming into walls and knocking eachother over

>be me and friend in f2p runescape 2
>out by the wildy signs and chaos temple
>noob come along still wearing full bank
>"hey uh kid can you help us?"
>"were doing a quest and need wine of zamorak but can't grab it off that table while the quest is active. Can you do it we will give you 500gp"
>noop tries to take it
>it burns him, the monks start attacking him
>he tries to get out but we are at the door closing it repeatedly
>hes eating like a fiend but its not enough
>he dies as we berate him in chat
>end up getting full mith and some noob items.
His face when

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When THPS was first released there was a demo in Official PlayStation Magazine in the UK and they asked you to send pictures of your high score if you got a good score.

I played on it autistically for weeks and sent in a Polaroid pic to the magazine and I got the 3rd highest score in the magazine. I don’t know how anyone got higher, I believe they cheated.

>f2p runescape
stopped reading there

I don't remember really its been so long

I went in blind and platinumed Bloodborne in 10 days, never having played a Souls game before.

I got into the top 100 on a leaderboard of an obscure game once. I haven't checked my position in years but the top 50 were hackers with impossible scores.

I did an E2 run in FF9 on PAL with no FMV skips, no PS2 double disc speed, no glitches, just completely vanilla - a feat regarded impossible for some time. When I finally got the E2 I had 39 seconds left on the clock and had used my last curative item and last Phoenix down. It was the most exhilarating moment in my gaming history.

Yeah it was similar to me although i loved playing the Americans on bridge to far. On backstab i always went opfor if i could plus the kukuri was sexy as hell

>reconnect after a year
>new skill called dungeoneering
>ask a guy if he could teach me about it
>he takes me to the wilderness
>"HA! I tricked you! now die!!!!!"
>two-shot kill him because he was many levels lower than me

I made the number 1 squad out of 180000 squads worldwide in Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Future solider on PS3 - I was widely accepted as one of the best players in the game and was recognised in virtually every lobby I joined.

These are all me.

Hardly anyone was mem in 2006.

It's a game where you play as Wolverine in War for the Planet of the Apes.

Kek what a noob. Also wtf is dungeneering?

>staying over at a friend's who got a brand new N64
>we'll call him Mike
>staying up late because fuck yeah no school the next day
>we're not great
>fuck, three dimensions is hard
>around midnight Mike's dad opens the door and asks Mike to help him with something in the garage
>Mike doesn't wanna go because NINTENDO 64
>his dad insists, and says I can come too
>Mike says no because I'm busy fighting Bowser
>fucking aiming stupid spinning lizard bullshit
>they leave
>gone for a while
>Mike eventually comes back, visibly upset
>offer to let him take over, tell him about the lava level
>he barely says anything and just climbs into bed
>I continue playing for a while before crashing out on my sleeping bag
Man I was shit at that game at that age

I got married in RuneScape to some girl and we pretended to have sex in game and then I jacked off thinking about it later that night

One time I was playing DotA at a PC cafe, and I was getting really frustrated and I said out loud, "You're such a nigger" to one of my teammates

Coincidentally on the opposite side of the aisle I was on, there was a nerdy, clearly out of shape black guy who heard what I said and got upset at me, told me to "knock it off" in what I believe was intended to be an intimidating voice but came off as rather huffy and wimpy.

I just said "ok" in response and that was the end of that

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Did you get past the lava level?

>be me
>new to guild wars and my friends wouldn't teach me shit
>ask the community for help
>1000s of guild invites
>accept one
>so what do i do?
>idk the good people will be on soon come dance naked with me and promote the clan
>end up dancing naked and shittalking everyone because they didn't like our spam
>nobody shows up
>get on next day same thing
>get on day after that
>same thing
I fid that for 2 fucking weeks before i switched clans

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Dunno why you would do such a thing irl to be quite honest with you bruv.