Zig Forums video games
cute hakama
>It's okay when japan does it
>if americans do it its CONSOOOOOOOOOOOM
imagine liking fucking re;zero. how do people have taste this shit.
>houses his "waifu" in some shitty wall cabinet, doesnt get the full size rem statue
ironic consoomer weeb detected
The full size Rem statue isn't out yet is it?
imagine having such shit taste in anime girls
Cool I wish I had that much money for my waifu.
>Re zero
Shit taste.
Shit taste
>Thinks Ready Player One is a good book
>Shit waifu
it checks out
how much
That's not even the lifesize one, what a fucking ironic faggot
Why is the head so tall? Is this accurate?
>Wasting this much cash on a bad anime
Dear God.
This fag is gonna be butthurt when she turns braindead in the first episode
>wasting all that money on a shit show
>even worse he's didn't even bother reading the LN so he doesn't know shit
nice dedication I guess
Not sure why this mediocre show is so popular
Imagin wasting this much cash on entry level shit.
>all this shit on a shitty anime
isekai niggers are literally the capeshitters of anime
At least it's not 0-2.
Nu-baby first Isekai I suppose.
Remfags are mentally ill.
Because as far as isekai go, it's actually somewhat unique with a decent premise, but only by comparison to the absolute shit heap that is the rest of the genre. The show by itself is a solid 6/10.
more like romantic comedies in how they're all different settings but still the fucking same, but yeah pretty much.
>Not sure why this mediocre show is so popular
It's unironically the best anime in the past 10 years.
I'm jealous that this ironic weeb got money that he didn't deserve
Civil war when. He's the first to get the guilotine
>reading the LN
Only read the WN
based tranny
Palmer Lucky
I gave up before the first episode even finished, the dialogue was horrible, even for an anime.
It takes a few episodes to find its groove, like most anime.
I like Betty, Rem is shit.
It's a good isekai which is pretty much decent.
Die mad
>his waifu is used goods
this proves you dont need to be smart to become a billionaire. if you get lucky enough you can become very rich even though youre just a stupid cuck with shit taste
muh shock value for the sake of shock value
Because it's good
why didnt he waste all that money on a sex doll of his waifu
>Zig Forums hates it so now I hate it
I like shows with Groundhog's Day plots.
No it isn't
what are some good animes then? they all look like the same shit to me
As someone who finds anime generally absolutely grating, I thought it was accessible to the West enough while still being intriguing. It's less anime-ish than most of the garbage that comes out of Japan.
I know someone who will swear up and down for FMA and Brotherhood, but will call REEE: mediocre
Die mad, Reddit.
This guy handled his powers better than the re:zero guy did.
no it isn't lmao, it's some of the most typical anime shit out there
>less anime-ish
lmao what
It has a meek faggot self insert MC, a borderline harem, fetishes out the ass, and is full of fan service. It's anime as fuck you retard.
Normies will tell themselves anything to justify liking something outside socially accepted bounds.
Re:Zero doesn't do the ground hog day setup well, retard. Just because you enjoyed it doesn't make it good.
Ram > Rom > Rem
And this guy
God forbid people like something you don't. Grow up.
It doesn't do it well at all.
Watch Tatami Galaxy for something that actually does it well.
So you know someone who will call a good show good and a bad show bad? Cool, thanks for letting us know.
Everyone did better that Subaru.
Subaru handles everything like a fucking idiot until he realizes he can get a one up on people using his ability
The only good isekai is konosuba and only cause all the characters are retards and none them achieve anything with each other.
I'm not alone with that opinion, it doesn't have the blatant fanservice most animes have, and tackles complex themes that you wouldn't see in shit like Lucky Star, Bakemonogatari, or Naruto.
It simply is more accessible to the average Westerner.
go play with your legos faggot