>No joinable factions >No customizable cars >No unique origin stories for 12 differenct classes >No unlimited procedual generated quests that are all excelently written >Can't design your own clothes in the game and wear them >Can't just have a regular office job in the game >Can't marry, have kids, get a mortage and settle down >Can't literally taste the food you eat ingame IRL >No VR support >No perfect online functionality where everyone roleplays perfectly without breaking immersion >No mahjong tournament >No podracing >No hours of porn for different sex scenes you can have with every single women you meet ingame >No lineage system >No timed underwater escort missions (motion controlls only) >No vr section where you have to help a japanese schoolgirl with her math homework >No Zinogre >NPC's don't address you as archmage once you complete the mage guild >No dedicated breathing button
oh i bet it literally wont make a single fucking dollar this game is just complete and udder trash and anyone who disagrees is some retarded polish shill consoomer that doesn't care about the industry. This is beyond DOA its practically non existent on arrival i mean there wont even be that many reviews because its such shit
>shitty bullet sponge enemies >numbers flying around >shitty slow-mo mode >combat and gun play designed for disabled people on consoles >gimmicky shoot guy in weak point to win >janky animations made of only two states with linear speed between them >shitty enemy reaction animations
The game you want so badlt will 100% be about protecting poor oppressed shitskins and faggots
Dylan Walker
I'm sure that there's technically more, like in FO4 there were 4 "options" but effectively 3 different ways to say "yes", and one for "later".
Seeing that every quest has only 2 outcomes, either side with X or Y, like seen in the demonstration, especially with the netwatch dialogue, seems like 2 real options are all we get, and then a random number of ways to say it similar to FO4.
>No unlimited procedural generated quests that are all excellently written
Yeah if you ever thought this was going to be a real thing you've only yourself to blame.
Noah Lee
I am still buying Cyberpunk 2077.
Anthony Turner
No way. CDPR has actually competent devs.
Leo Cox
>Russian reviewers are shitting on Cyberpunk 2077 >some of the criticism includes: >awful AI, the enemies are tied to certain locations, dont move out from said locations, i.e. if an enemy takes cover behind a certain object, they will sit there until you kill them, they also dont respond to you tossing grenades, they will just stand and wait to die >the game isnt really open world, there is nothing to do, every location is hand crafted but you need to be doing a hand crafted quest to interact or do anything meaningful within the game >the game isnt an RPG, you are playing V like you are playing Gerald of Rivia in the witcher >you cant choose your personality, all your dialogue sort of leads to you being this cool dude who tells people off >no matter what dialogue choice you go for you will end up still being the same cool cocky dude, cant play as a meek hacker dude etc >gunplay is bullet spongey, if enemy outlevels you by 3 levels you are basically dead >you can customize the visuals of your character but cant customize the class due to its fluid system >the whole game feels like a rail roaded linear experience rather than an open world rpg >only 1 option for vagina, but many different penises during character creation >although the game allows you to highjack every single car its pretty pointless >when cops are involved they always outlevel you so you cant put up a fight >aside from the visuals the gameplay is lacking and uninspired >the game also introduces way too many characters all at once, it spoon feeds you their stories but the pace seems too quick sources: youtube.com/watch?v=9DvBI5O60ok&t=120s 4x79y5_v7ZY youtube.com/watch?v=2jWglY3vzkE