Pc master rac-

>pc master rac-

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that's why I look down on overclockers

>consoles don't use electricity

Imagine being so poor you have to worry about electricity cost

Seriously. I run my AC 24/7 (two ACs even) and my electricity bill has never gone over $80 and is most usually $50.

Where do you people live where electricity is so expensive? I’ve never paid more than $22 a month for it.

>I'll take 3rd world problems for 200, Alex.

retards who buy 1000w PSU for their mid range machines when all they need is a 500

>pc gaming is cheap

>leave PC on for weeks at a time
>power bill is $70
What the fuck kind of hashish farm are you running, OP?

isnt there some weird country that has so much surplus electricity they pay you to use it or something gay like that

the wattage is the maximum output power. just because you have a 1kW PSU doesnt mean it is always pulling 1kW from the wall

see OP gets it, that's why I turn off my PC every night
and turn off my TV
and unplug my cellphone
and my microwave
any power strips I have
I mean it seems like a lot but really I just turn off all the breakers
money is this only thing that matters to me and it's that way because I don't have much of it
I don't care about my standard of living
or saving time
or even convenience
just money
nothing else

Apartment complex is the reason, user

It's called turn your pc off when you go to bed

Poorfags shouldn't be allowed on the internet tbqh.

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Just checked my bill, it was 6 us dollars last month. You westerners sure are jewed on absolutely everything aren't you.
t. Russia

PCs tend to get more power efficient over time, the transitions to lower process nodes allowing CPUs and GPUs to be more powerful at lower wattages, the transition from DDR3 to DDR4 also incurred in lower power consumption, and DDR5 later will also do the same. I'm curious about how much power the 1650 Ampere equivalent will need, whatever it's gonna be called, 2650 or whatever weird naming scheme, it's probably going to be crazy fucking efficient. The outlier is Intel who have issues moving away from their 14nm+++++++++ designs and their latest CPUs are power hogs

based and ugly giant nose pilled

unironically based
i live in a county in KY where our power company has a monopoly. they provide water, trash disposal, and power. during the winter, heating the house can cost 380 bucks a month. i came home the other night from work and realized a left the lights on and almost had a nervous breakdown.

>not having potato farm to power your generator

Average cost of 1kWh in USA in 13.19 cents.
Assuming you have a 750W PSU that you run at full load for 24 hours would cost:
>.1319*.75*24 = $2.37 a day
No one except miner fags run at full load 24/7. You are realistic looking at ~$1 a day for an average PC that is left on for 24 hours.
How fucking poor are you?

This. I pay more for my internet than I do electricity

>Electricity Bill: $69.69

suck it console dweebs

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That's also half your monthly wage.

fucking Bill from pokemon always wanting me to pay electricity

It's only that low because your President for Life is bribing you so you don't throw him out. You're a lot like Saudi Arabia that way.

Time to buy a wood stove user.

My wage is 0 because I don't work. Just don't feel like it and living here is basically free so

>make $3000 a month in usa
>after electricity bills, that leaves American with $2930

>make $500 a month in Russia
>after electricity bills, that leaves Russian with $492
>Russian gloats on Zig Forums


That's why consoles are superior

Like I said I make nothing and have enough money not to ever work again. This is a thread about electricity bills though, not about my income. Nice to see you seethe though

OP is a fag but a Russian bragging about literally anything is too much.

It's free because Papa Putin will recriminalize social parasitism soon.

I do pay 10 times less for electricity though, and the phone, and the internet, and healthcare and education are free. But that's not what the thread about, so don't seethe too much
>i-i-i-i-it'll be bad any second now
Been hearing this for a decade now, western "experts" all agreed that we'd collapse in 2015 or so

You can't kill what's already dead.

>not illegally wiring into the grid and pirating your electricity

In the winter mine has easily gone over 500 but I'm also living in a three story, three bedroom place.

The rent on which is only about 200 USD so it all basically evens out.

>Not pirating gasoline and setting up your own generators
It's like you want to get caught.

Does that not happen to some extent everywhere? When there's surplus at one of the stations here we get credit. Just got some this month. Paid this month for me and will probably do next month's as well.