Play //frägment with the anons

Play //frägment with the anons.

Attached: Blackroseface.jpg (1200x1200, 596.43K)

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I love Tama

sao is better

ill rape your children and behead your family

I bought the original .hack just for her and HOLY SHIT was she annoying.
I thankfully learned my lesson and never repeated the same mistake again.

I came for BlackRose and stayed for Gardenia.

is that a Nadia edit?

Attached: na ponder B1.png (252x476, 13.01K)



Mimiru > Blackrose

I remember showing her to my online gf as an example of the kind of anime girls I was into

How'd that turn out for you?

I bet you don't even play frägment.

I'm level 17. Probably around 30 if you count the times I got leveldowned.

>Start fragment
>Pick the spear user
>Everything avoids 80% of my attacks even in the lowest possible level areas and after buying better gear
>Fighting a single enemy that gives 20 out of the 1000 exp needed to level up takes five minutes because of how many attacks miss and using the heal spell to stay alive
Either the spear class is absolute garbage or the game's balance is just retarded. Even with a party I can hardly imagine it being reasonable.

Cool, what class?

>not going Wavemaster and turning into a full time healslut while your over leveled party members do all the work

Heavy Blade.

why are there no private servers

eh? she's fine. I liked emailing her.

Dumb question, but can I alter a character and their textures? I was thinking of messing around with Kite's model and making him look more like Azure Kite would be pretty cool.

There are tho.

Attached: v.jpg (286x231, 31.41K)

I sincerely hope that isn't cropped .hack porn.

Most attacks will miss at early levels.

She said she was hot. No immediate repercussions but we lasted about a year after that

Meant for

Depends on what you describe as porn.

You can change preset color schemes and other minor details as well as play as characters from IMOQ but you can't do much beyond that.

Attached: gsdx_20200517142637.png (2048x1792, 1.34M)

The only other man of taste in all of Zig Forums

I'm aware. I meant just taking a model and modifying it and then having it show in the game to show off to other players. I'm not sure how it's done but I'm positive it can be done with some sort of program.

Naked .hack characters.

Attached: image.jpg (919x1080, 116.76K)