Playing it "free" with gamepass

Playing it "free" with gamepass.

Better than Fallout 76 btw

What you think about it Zig Forumsros?

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i think you should buy it you jew

at full price too not on sale support good indie devs

Good bideo game

not buying it until the end-game update hits, hope it doesn't take much longer

Tranny game. Go back to discord with tranny shit.

I buyed doom eternal, I cant buy any new game until next year

But I would buy this game without thinking it twice desu

Pretty good game. I like the way it combines combat and puzzles. Has a lot of great moments. While the portraits aren't amazing (they grow on you) the battle sprites are pretty good. My biggest complaints are all the RPG filler and the platforming.

Microsoft paid them to put it on Gamepass, I don't owe them shit. Also I'd rather buy Piku Niku first, super underrated.

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a game about Capitalist alegory, using capitalism. Im going to say bruh moment.

Absolutely fantastic game. Post game DLC when.

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Lea is cute!

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It was good, which basically means we can't have an actual discussion about it here.

>Better than Fallout 76
Is this supposed to be an achievement?

Not an achievement. But a good point were began.

Kill yourself faggot, make the world a tiny bit better for it.


I dont get it? Why should do I? Instead of killing myself and making a better place, why dont you kill yourself and surrender to the point that you arent any better and the world will never change so its better to dont live in the world you dont like?

What is gamepass?

It's good, could've been 2~3 hours shorter though

Microsoft has a monthly subscription service for games, on PC and Xbox.

the new sidequest dungeon is too much for my pea sized brain

Hi user, how was your day?

A thing of Xbox chads wich give you a lot of games to test and play.

Hmm how much time in total? I just finished the first chapter and Im a 100% fag so to know how many time Im gonna put on it.

stop falling for such a shitty low effort bait, retard

Im not an attention whore faggot to start with... so yeah listen to wisdom and do it.

I mean, I dont care, its easy bait but I actually dont care at all to fall on easy bait. Btw I still win easy b8, its funny to see them die from the interior to the outside.

Me neither, but I thought you were because you are posting easy bait in a indie videogame post.

I'm liking it a lot so far, just wish the story didn't take 6 chapters to start picking up

Where's the god damn epilogue DLC already

I actually liked it a lot, but I got filtered by the puzzles. I understood them, I just didn't like doing them, a lot felt like it wasn't really a puzzle more like a timing thing. Other than that I thought the game was actually really fucking good.

If you skip most of the optional content its like 25-30 hours. You could probably blow twice that time doing all the side quests and arena stuff though

>Better than Fallout 76
whoa rly? how is that possible "Zig Forumsro"??


Good try to bait anyways.

Thats a lot for my fucking zoomer brain but because the gameplay is pretty solid and the approuch they gived to the combo kills maybe I will do it all. But I put a pause to Indivisible but in one day I passed coffee talk so. Maybe I can finish this one.

I dont have any problem with tick related puzzles. The console is who have the problem with them. Anyways I hope to do it well anywyas.

Interesting world
Fun cast of characters
Banger soundtrack
Fast paced gameplay

This game is the textbook definition of "Hidden Gem"

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I keep hearing good things about this game but I also hear it's puzzle-heavy like the Zelda games, which is not my kind of genre at all.

It's basically an indie Link To The Past or 2D Zelda.

yeah the puzzles aren't bad they're just not my style, everything else in the game I liked a lot, looking forward to the sequel

It does have an emphasis on puzzles but I found them to be fun. Watch some gameplay if you're on the fence.

It's comparable to Zelda but not the same. There's a lot more emphasis on action RPG elements. And the puzzles often tend to involve combat in some way (and vice versa), and not in a braindead way like Zelda does. Mixes puzzles and combat together better than any other game I've played.

it's very, very puzzle heavy. like the dungeons are almost entirely puzzles, with some good boss fights in between. if you like puzzles based on platforming and timing you'll love it, otherwise it'll probly kill your enjoyment of the rest of the game

My favorite game I played in 2019 probably. It's really a love letter to the classics without just copying them rotely.

did it come out on the switch yet?