Say something nice about it!
Here's your new Smash Trinity, bro
Jino is okay, but no Western shit. Banjo is fine because Rareware is actually good
And Banjo still had a fanbase in Japan. Crash used to but it's more or less dead there. Rayman is a genuine never ever because of this.
Did Issac's support just disappear overnight?
>Geno still there
Shut the fuck up, queer,
Western shit doesn’t belong in Smash
tfw when chun-li will never get in because there are already 2 sf characters and there are other capcom characters that would come first
I don’t give a shit about any of them though?
Just give me doomguy.
Wow, this is shit. The fact that you guys are scrapping the bottom of the barrel for new "trinities" and "most requested characters not yet in Smash" shows everyone worthwhile is already in.
None of them are happening
I'm so sick of this boring hivemind. Have some imagination.
There’s no more trinities dude, every big hitter left is around equal footing in terms of relevancy and popularity.
Not to mention we don’t know if Min Min is a one time thing or a new standard
Quit posting bait
This. Smashers have so little imagination they didn't thought something like Atlus or Dragon Quest would appear
This, it goes to show Smashfags will never be happy with what they’ve got. They’ll be happy and then just go begging for the next character. Look what happened with Ridley, K Rool and Banjo. Barely anyone plays them despite their status as highly requested characters
Rayman has the helicopter, the wind up punch and I guess the energy balls from Rayman 2? How do you make a moveset out of that?
Crash at least has all his moves from the Titan games, which were essentially 3D beat 'em ups.
Why not, faggot? As long as it’s from a video game it’s fair game. Go fuck yourself, tranny.
Th trinity never existed until Banjo and Krool fags figured that devising a trinity is a good vehicle to push their character. Before, it was only Geno and Ridley. And Geno still isn't in.
Epic false flag, vidya bros!
For me, it's Doomguy
Why are you talking about trannys faggot? Go get help
Rayman has more abilities than that. For one, he can use the walking shell as a rushing attack, or even a recover, as the shell can fly as well. With the addition of exploding upon impact. The explosion of the shell can harm rayman too, unless you remember to jump off in time. Rayman can also lasso objects using his energy balls. He can conjure hug heavy plums. They reduce his mobility, but a good toss will deal good damage.
Rayman 3 actually added a bunch of powerups. So they can a Megaman type deal, and just give him all of the abilities from Rayman 3.
Or, they can pair Rayman with Globox. The two of them acting as one. Their designs are so simple, that they would be less resource demanding than the Ice Climbers. They could have all kinds of zany bumbling cartoon attacks together.
Rayman has power-ups from rayman 3, many also suggest using the purple plum fruit as some form of projectile (like Peach's turnips but heavier).
To add on to this you can take artistic liberties considering he's limbless and make moves around this property of his.
Why isn’t Rayman big in Japan. What about his games is seen as Unappealing over there?
Disappeared along with Waluigi and Shante.
Replace Rayman with Bandana Waddle Dee and that's close enough. Though I think crash show up way too late to the request party
i cannot
Smash or not, I just want Rayman to come back.
Give me a new 3D Rayman game already
I don't think it's anything specific, Rayman was never that big of a deal to have crossover power.
He always had a following but nowhere near the platformer heavyweights like Crash and DK, let alone absolute giants like Sonic and Mario.
not buying any of them
Seems like he’s more popular in Europe
Right now the only characters that have any foot in this race are Geno, Doomguy, & Rayman.
>Ubisoft content in game, Assassin's creed costume, Rabbids costume, Rayman spirit
>Spirits don't deconfirm giving him a chance
>Cacomallow leak has not be proven or disproven
>Bethesda influence seems to give Cacomallow leak more credibility
>Once again, spirits don't deconfirm
>Bethesda is involved in smash making Doomguy's inclusion possible
>Cacomallow leak has not been either proven or disproven
I'm going to say we are most likely getting at least 1 of these characters. Not a total lock, but a good chance.
Play video games
Is it because SMRPG was baby's first Jarpig for a lot of millennials? Has Nintendo even acknowledged this game in the last 20 years? Other than VC rereleases.
Are you implying Crash doesn't ?
>Considered a gaming icon and the 3rd rival to Mario
>popular and known even in japan were 2 sold 1 million (many western games didnt sell over there), has his own design and the dance comes from there
>has enough moves from his games and skylanders to give him a decent moveset
>recent revival, Activision pushing him with a new game, merch, and a mobile runner
>adding him in smash would be great advertising and would please everyone
He has a waaaaaayy bigger chance at getting in doomguy at least, all you listed for him was Bethesda letting Nintendo make a mii costume and a leak that may or may not be real.
Geno is probably due to demand like banjo, Krool and ridley. Rayman has a chance because of the good relationship Ubisoft has with Nintendo and the fact that they have publicly said that they want him in, plus a deal was struck with the IP.
I'm not saying DG has no chance but you're gonna have to come up with some actual reasons for him.