25+ thread

What are you playing? How are you holding up?

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Bought Dead Rising today on PSN for 5 bucks. Timeless classic in my opinion, haven't played it since release on 360

I've grown strong enough to overpower my father and cuck him

just finished titanfall 2 campaign. effect and cause was great fun. wish i was dead. or rich.

trying to commit to a full skyrim playthrough and actually beat the campaign for the first time since release.

Just got Code Vein on sale, pretty much what I expected nothing special but it's playable.

any anons with kids? my kids due date is at the end of this month, i've been thinking of selling all my vidya shit I feel a little guilty wasting money on meaningless electronics, any anons can tell me how they balance their family and free time

Nearly done with an all female playthrough in Trials of Mana and I plan on doing an all male playthrough.

I don't have kids, but don't sell all your shit just yet. Give it a year or two yeah? Take some time to figure it all out

Mostly Animal Crossing. Been thinking about going back to Rune Factory 4.

Taking my time playing P5R inbetween bouts of playing a Div2OS campaign with some friends. I really don't want to go back to the US at all, living abroad has shown me how fucking garbage it really is.

Nothing. I’m burned out from spending my whole life playing video games and fapping to porn so I’m quitting both. Eventually I want to quit this site but I know I need it right now to help my boredom.

Deep Rock Galactic when I'm actually home and not busy. Holding up well enough, what about you OP?

Playing through Fallout New Vegas for the first time. Real fun.

>What are you playing?
>How are you holding up?

im jelly user. I want to leave this hellhole so badly.

27. I don't enjoy this current PoE league and nothing really strikes my fancy lately. Looking for something to sink my teeth into. I like grim dawn, chronicon, medianxl, last epoch. Pretty much any arpg. I like ck2 as well. I tried divinity original sin 1 and 2 and couldn't get past how slow and awkward navigating around is and moving the camera. Looking for something rpg like possibly with a good community. Any recommendations?

Almost exclusively ESO. Basically playing it like any other Elder Scrolls game. In certain ways it does feel like a weird blend of 3, 4, and 5. AAA RPGs have done nothing really to impress lately so this is the best questing around to me

Too busy stressing about school, lack of money, and career change to play vidya

Buy less games or stop buying them altogether, but unless you're really struggling, don't sell your stuff. Your kids might even find it interesting to see what games you had when you were young one day. Plus, they could become more valuable in the future.


Oh, but I play Rainworld sometimes. It's a really interesting game. Also fixing to play more Starsector, but It's too addicting

I tried it til lvl 20 and stopped. Mostly quested in Morrowind. Was thinking about getting back into it. What do you like about it?

>What are you playing?
I'm masturbating right now
>How are you holding up?
9/10 it's okay

Been better, haven't been able to play much at all lately. I have a certification exam tomorrow, one voucher costs about a week's pay for me right now, wish me luck bros.

XBC1 on Dolphin since I'm a cheapfag
Pretty good, tho I want more neetbux if everything is going to shut down again

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It's ok man, I have to go back at the end of this year and with how fucked everything is, I might just put in paperwork to start immigrating to denmark or something.

Not so bad. but Mondays are rough because I wake up at 4:30 to start work at 6 and finish until 5 because we're low on staff. Working at home is handy enough, but we'll be over 40°C during the whole week and I only have a couple of fans to refresh myself while locked in my room.

Just finished Sonic Adventure 2 two days ago, really fun game. I might setup Dolphin and emulate Heroes now while I'm still in the mood of Sonic games.

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OpenMW was my main squeeze for a while, but I was feeling scifi so I moved to modded FO4. It's weird, with Morrowind I want things to be tasteful and close to the original, but with Fallout I need to nearly overhaul the whole thing to be playable.

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I can't stop playing ACLR
I'll probably go play TWW2 today though

>get divorced
>isolate myself
>ready to engage with the world again
>corona happens
>no job and no friends and locked indoors for the rest of time
I'm going insane the world ended but I'm still alive for some reason also try Outer Wilds it was the only time I've been happy this year

26. Just finished Majora’s Mask. It sucked. My contract ended Friday so job-hunting again. I’m okay I guess.

Do it, Heroes is definitely an interesting game. It's cool to see why you shouldnt change a games formula up too much

I'm good. I took a 5 year break from gaming but I'm back into it because of quarantine. I'm going back to school in the fall to get a massage therapy license so I'm pretty excited about that.

Not worth it.

It's taken me a few times for it to click. I ended up really liking Murkmire and got into it more from there. Vvardenfell is okay, has one of the most boring main quests though imo and the north half of the zone is all dark ash hills, kind of ugly.

The game is reaalllly big now, so kind of plotting out what areas you want to focus on is key. Some vanilla zones/quests are great and the Main Quest with Coldharbor is quite good. I also like the deck building class system.

I tried vanilla FO4 back when I was a consolefag, it put me to sleep.

How are the mods? How anime can I make this shit? The pic you posted looks cute, but can I make everyone like that?

Don't join any side in the civil war before you finish the main quest. I tried to do what you're doing, but the stormcloak rebellion ruined it for me

Any wizards here? I'll become one in a year. The thought of it has become a reliably humorous, self-deprecating joke to me.

I'm 25. :(

I just finished a France campaign in medieval 2 total war, but I'm beginning to fall behind in my summer French class. There are only 2 weeks left, so I might just quit vidya until the class is over so I don't fail. I wish I liked school, but I kind of hate it. I'm too old and impatient nowadays. I enjoy manual labor more. /blog

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You no allowed

You should hire an escort just before you turn thirty. Do it for the lulz

26. Doing some pathofexile.
Still sinking half my life into an ancient mmorpg. I don't even play the game, at this point, I'm just too tied in to leave.

You think MMOs will ever be social again? I'm determined not to let this last one die out.

Combo of Dark Souls and RE2 remake a friend got me with a little P&C on a separate account. I'm under a minor quarantine so can't really do much.

As for how i'm doing its my birthday next week and i already feel old, dumb, and terrible. Its fucked up but sometimes i wish i had the rona so i can just gtfo before shit really gets bad.

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You're probably right I'm maybe other thinking it. I actually have my life together pretty well I have decent disposable income and maybe I can at least steer them away from the lootboxes and gambling shit by leading by example.

That's good, it's really important to have things to look forward to, even if they're small. I'm a flatbed trucker for the time being, so just the idea of getting home at the end of each week keeps me going. Make sure to make time for good times while you're in school.

just trying to finish this warzone's season so i can continue with monster hunter, blasphemous and witcher 3

Any of you played Project Warlock? I discovered this game earlier this week and am kinda bummed that I haven't been able to get a conversation on it rolling at all no matter how many times I bring it up.

Same here man, I recently had to do a course for an IT cert that only benefits me, but it was such a slog and reminded me of how much I fucking hated school. Sometimes I wish I had just went with a trade instead of IT

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Right now? Nothing.
I'm a fat, useless NEET in a shithole country and I really want to kill myself.

Are there any games that are social these days? They all seem to be an endless funnel of matchmaking where you never see anyone else again.

I considered that but I'm so close that I think I'd rather become a wizard than do an escort. That way whenever I'm feeling down I can still silently joke to myself "at least I'm a wizard".

I was thinking about buying it but the poorly voiced pop culture references in the trailer made me change my mind

I've been making a Doom map for the /vr/ project going on.
Also been working on a Pokemon rom hack.
Right now I'm just killing time until Halo comes out tomorrow

The mods are great for QoL improvements. I'm not too into adding additional items into the game because of potential conflicts it could cause. I focus on mods that alter gameplay and visuals. As far as I know, the animerace mod only changes the female player model and a few npcs, but the fact that some of the npcs are anime now must mean you could trigger it for all female npcs. Though you'd have to manually change their faces to be destinct.

Dark Souls 2, not as good as I remember. Barely feel alive anymore.

Playing a modded to the gills XCOM2 right now. The balance is fucked to hell and back with all the mods I added but it's fun to be able to field a squad composed of a Mass Effect Biotic, a Jedi, a necromancer, a Viper, a paladin and Ryu Hayabusa.

got back into WoW after 9 months, switched to alliance and playing alone, need some good people to play with but cant seem to find the right guild. lonely

I'd rather be a wizard honestly, girls are generally nothing but trouble for me and sex is pretty overrated. I wish I had dedicated all my time spent skirt-chasing to hobbies I enjoyed or the band I was in. Oh well.

Castle Crashers. I got it on Steam last year, I only have a few characters unlocked. Gonna have to find some people to help me grind the achievements eventually, I hate MP trophies.

Waiting for my Death Stranding preinstall to finish so i can go back to MHW.
Good. You?

An escort is pointless anyway, they won't love you.