>It's 2010
>you are fully in charge of sc2 development
>you have current knowledge
what you do?
It's 2010
I pretend to work on something, take paychecks and when im set for life i abandon the project, delete all important files and leave the company.
what YOU do op ?
Release the source code and collect paychecks until I'm fired.
What actually went wrong with SC2? Besides blizzard just abandoning it.
Custom map scene for me. It really stops you from getting burned out. You lose a match, play a little dodge the rapist or helm's deep and talk shit, then hop back in when you feel fresh.
make the custom game lobby system like brood war so UMS community isn't killed right out of the gate. should keep the game alive even if the story and competitive scene are trash.
bring it straight to LotV current stats, with 12 worker start and everything
maybe remove disruptor, widow mine and swarm hosts
rework tempests and mothership
when life is coming up on the scene, try and put him away from gambling and match fixing
2010 was too late to save it. You'd have to go back to 2007.
Very little went wrong, it's the best RTS since AoE2. It didn't maintain popularity outside the competitive scene because they didn't emphasize the casual elements (like co-op).
>>you have current knowledge
>what you do?
split the game in half, one expansion, it is standalone, so for real split in half
short campagin for every race in both games, like the first one, two different brackets for multiplayer, one if you have one, and one if you have both
and for the love of god fix the input lag so that action adventure RPGs and sidescroller beat 'em ups can be played in engine, with controllers if you wanted
more map variation
bigger focus on arcade to get casuals in
They didnt listens to players complaints about horrible balance in HOTS, and LoL was skyrocketing. Should have went free to play a lot soon IMO, that was the original allure for it in korea at least, it was effectively free since every pc bang had it installed.
Scrap it and invest everything into Heroes of the Storm.
Financially wise but an honest to god crime against the industry
>Fire metzen
>Drop the STUPID love story because they had NO romance dialogue in SC1, and jimmy said he'd kill her for killing fenix and billions of people
>jimmy and tychus kill kerrigan in the end
would have been based
Make it free to play from the get go. Put an emphasis on co-op. More commanders, 3vs ai Co-op, 2v2 tournaments sponsored by Blizzard. More warchests for commander skins. Basically, make it more accessible.
I don't remove the mothership core.
i warn anons about diablo 3
No expansion packs
No lefties
Develop the custom game scene 50 times more so the casuals have a reason to stay around instead of being scared away by having to sweat in the "real" game.
No appeal to modern casual gamers. Also it's just worse than SC1, WC3 or AOE2 so that also hurts.
Custom games are overrated as hell. A bunch of whiny retards that don't even like RTS that overtake the actual community like WC3 and DotA.
>SC1, AOE2
improves on it in every way
>AOE2, WC3
apples to oranges
>What actually went wrong with SC2
the RTS genre returned to being niche, as it should be. SC2 is fine
There is no universe in which WC3 is better than SC2 .
shut your whore mouth
UMS games were the shit in the original game and in Warcraft 3
everybody wants to be able to mod their games, to extend the life of the base games way past their prime
It wasn't free to play. SC became what it was because it was free to play.
For WC3 the melee scene never went anywhere despite being less popular than customs so I don't see what's wrong with it. Personally I played custom games on wc3 for 12 years before my first ladder match.
i update everything to legacy of the void current patch
Underage or retarded. The SC1 battlechest was pricy for YEARS and only became free to play in 2017.
>Underage or retarded
Not even that poster, but that is clearly your own projection
Everyone with half a brain playing BW after 2009 was playing on iCCup or Fish
weren't those battlechests $20 at walmart way into 2014
make the story less retarded to start, im sure that turned off a lot of people in the first place
fix the custom game part to be more in line with ums sc or war3 so the online aspect doesnt degrade solely into competitive
I want to say something about the pathfinding but I cant think of anything that wouldnt make me sound stupid, the pathfinding being bad for a lot of units in starcraft 1 was a significant tactical aspect of the competitive scene, and the fact that they made it so much better not only removed that aspect but devolved a lot of the game into deathballing, but im not sure how to "fix" that
The game itself on release was fun, competing against friends and laddering was cool up to a certain point. Looking up builds, seeing tournaments and mimicing strats and successfully implementing them against people online was awesome.
Game was playable despite toss pushes being too good (4 gate, 6 gate, 8 gate), proxy pylon warp ins, stagnant late game meta (pvz archon deathball vs broodlord infestor), boring deathball clashes, fights ending in a one sided way that was uninteresting to watch.
On the esports side what killed the game was allowing koreans to register as Americans - effectively killing the home grown scene. What you need are characters that help sell events, and you got nothing but koreans who don't speak english just bowing and playing.
heroes of the storm sucks, but I will give them props for unique character gimmicks. Cho'gall is absolutely hilarious
People keep telling me SC2 is alive but any time I play, I'll get matched against players who are in my league (Diamond) but when I look at their overall stats, their best ranking is Masters or Grandmasters.
I could understand if this was the case for a few players but this seems to be a constant. I refuse to believe these people suddenly became incompetent and can no longer reach Masters or Grandmasters anymore but what other answer can there be when in 1v1s or team games, I'm getting matched against them despite being leagues below?
its funny because they tried to casualize it by adding more workers in the beginning to speed up the game. Always thought it was weird decision to do that
having shit pathfinding should not be a selling point of a modern game, and sc1's pathfinding was exceptionally shit even for its time
instead of trying to copy brood war it should be its own thing
>SC became what it was because it was free to play.
Koreans played it because it was free to play at their netcafes, they just had to pay for time just like all the other games including SC2 and LoL for access to all the champs and skins
Everyone else either played on private servers or bought a cdkey for cheap
Being officially free had nothing to do with SC's growth or decline as much as Blizzard deciding to start supporting it again with events as SC2's pro scene fell into shambles
>talk shit
Enjoy your ban cyberbully.
its 10 years old so loss of skill is easy in that time range. not to mention large changes in the game
the more you play matchmaking, the more accurate it gets, you should have no problem finding people at your skill level as long as you're below 6k MMR
The way the game is played has changed a lot over time, someone who plays now at diamond level could very easily have been master several years ago, and someone coming back with that master skill set could very easily place lower now and take adjusting and learning to get anywhere again.
Sc2 coop is actually super fun got me back into the game, there are alot of things that need to be fixed though. I hope if we get sc3 we can get more coop shit. Its the one IP that I wish would just fucking break free of blizzard at this point