What am I in for?

What am I in for?

Attached: TF1.png (978x606, 685.75K)


bad game

A genuinely fun game.

I checked the community tab, it's still active.

Why? There's nothing for you here? It's not a fun game, it doesn't do anything unique, and you can barely even find a server with players, let alone a decent one.

I can't play TF2 on my mac,

TF2 but lamer and unbalanced.

You're 15-20 years too late. One of my favorite games ever though.

Running to the nearest green backpack to resupply four grenades every ten seconds.



It's too weak and the loading times are retarded because of it.

pyro is now the worst class by a HUGE margin

Like, if everyone else is b tier or above, he is f

Yeah Pyro's flamethrower was pretty shit and lacked the double barrel shotgun. Their incendiary cannon was decent at fucking with snipers though.

default_fov 105 motherfucker

Sniper's new gun being a straight upgrade.

That's crazy.

The superior Team Fortress game. Hunted, 4 team deathmatch, Push, a medic that can kick your great grandfather's ass, pure fucking kino

Nothing beats conc jumping into the enemies battlements and fucking shit up.

Get a job.

I don’t need to. I’m not in any rush to upgrade. I’ve been told TF2 is inferior to the first game, anyway.

Christ. What type of computer do you have that cant run a decade old game. Anyways tf2 is not inferior to classic. But the newly updated TF2 classic is superior to both.

Run around as Medic and poison the enemy and see how fast you get banned/kicked

medics that are too fast and tons of bhopping and grenade spam

classic tfc with normal players was perfect, shame bunny hopping and conc jump running ruined the game
really tfc does 20-32 players better than tf2 does

>muh grenade spam and bhopping

You casuals disgust me.

Attached: 1250984195970.jpg (640x480, 150.38K)

Your guns will do no damage and everyone will mash their grenade keys, praying to kill you

Only if you are firing your nailgun or your single-barrel shotgun. Meatshots with real weapons do their job. Nailgun is only for pecking at unattended sentries.

Seriously. bhopping isn't even a difficult thing to do. A lot of people also scream that the games unbalanced but only the Pyro is shitty. Sure the medic is god tier but the other classes had purpose. I liked the fact that the Scout was exactly that, a Scout. I hate the meatshotting machine he is in TF2.

quake fortress but good

What kind of computer you have that it can't play fucking TF2?

>mod medic to be heavier so they can't conc jump as high
>take out bhopping
>force servers to report bots not as players
>force servers to do actual map rotation
>ban amx mod teleporter addon
>ban custom sounds
>force 30 minute time limit per map
>ban instant respawn