How does he get away with it?

>Bitched and whined at an indie company until they walked back wanting compensation for working on his game
>Suicide baited another dev who made his shitty game but better unless they quit making it and apologized
>Threatened dev of another fangame unless they lied to their fans and said that their game was worse than yanderesim and for them to stop working on it

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Other urls found in this thread:

When the FUCK will they add the ability to spy on girls in the girl's bathroom. What if I'm not THAT psycopathic and just want to watch the stuck-up pretty class president take a dump while she thinks she's alone and undisturbed? Is that so much to ask for?

>Suicide baited
>doesn't even tell authorities about the threat which could get Yanderedev investigated and held in some kind of custody for posing a danger to himself
lol you guys are fucking retarded and useless

They all suck his dick hard cause all this is shit is in the his discord. THe same discord where you can't meme or you get banned.

I hope people finally drop this man and let him end his life so we can move on a;ready

He hasn't gotten away with it yet though?

i'm saying if you get suicide-baited that the alternative is to stop making something because someone threatened suicide if you move forward with it, that's where you go "okay i'm calling the cops instead of stopping production" instead of going "oh no someone threatened suicide we must stop now"
that's what i'm calling retarded

they didn't stop dumbass

At this point. Anything involving yandere games are just a shit show. Just do a tsundere trope clone and he can't say shit.

>505 offered him a job in april paying $54k a year to be creative director of yanderesim with full creative control while 505 handles everything else on their own time

The NDA got leaked so it probably won't happen

It's not officially leaked until 505 Games is aware about it.

Just admit it, yall are just mad jelly of Alex

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He's been a literal baby for 32 fucking years of his life I won't believe if he gets away with it one last time.

Yeah, nah. He won't accept the offer because he doesn't want to work at all and leech off his patron.

Did the Love Sick devs stop making their game? Also if their game isn't free I ain't playing it

>Thinking pretty girls take dumps in public bathrooms
user, first of all: pretty girls do not fart, because it's unbecoming to do so. Neither to they go to public bathrooms. They shit almost always at home.

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Idk if this is a joke post or not but 90% of girls, pretty or not are fucking disgusting slobs
Atleast college aged girls, go to any young womans house and its a fucking sty. Clothes everywhere, Starbucks cups decorating the counters, trash scattered around the bin.
Same goes for women's bathrooms
t. used to have to clean them when I was wageslaving in HS

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He also made a comment that what he was earning from patreon was "pathetic" compared to his old job. Imagine calling the donations you live off of pathetic. This guy is unreal.

>Not spiking the pretty girl's food so she has to run to the public bathroom to take a massive dump while you spy on her
Not gonna make it

what an absolute cunt.
he just cant handle any sort of competition and wants anything remotely similar erased from existence.
these lovesick devs also need to grow some fuckin balls and do what they want instead of ending up like this faggot.

>Getting help with your game means you're a hack

Jealous of Internet's new lolcow?
Not quite.

Do you think yandere dev actually believes any of the bullshit he says and types? Or is it all an act? Because there is so much irony in this picture I refuse to believe he doesn’t see it

Is this that love sick game he's talking about?

>People like your game better than mine, so stop it or I'll make a video whining about it!
Holy fuck this guy is absolutely pathetic. And people actually gave in to this guy? The absolute fucking state of discord trannies

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how do I get fans like these bros

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You can't keep up this bullshit so long unless you youself believe it too.
This man has zero self awareness and zero concept of consciousness.

People with a severe victim complex will say anything to get their way, truth or not.

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Jews are the eternal victim in their eyes

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Do you think anyone who gets invested into the concept of 'yandere hitman' is going to be stable or well-adjusted?



Thing happened after he got super mainstreamed.

I only follow this shit very loosely, but did the Lovesick game devs cancel the project? After all that good bantz did they really back off because the yandere fag said he would kill himself? Seriously? They backed down like total pussies?

>I’d cancel development if someone killed themselves over my game.
Like absolute fuck he would. He’d find a way to make himself the victim of someone else’s suicide.

"Can I get this product elsewhere and is it better?" I watched one episode of shark tank and I understand business better than alex.

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How do I achieve this?

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Oh I believe you. I don't have the experience myself, but over the years I've always heard from people who cleaned the bathrooms that the women's were always the most disgusting stuff. Toilet paper everywhere (some bloodied), discarded tampons and the like.
People just like to meme about men being "disgusting" when the worst you're probably going to see in them are unflushed floaters, some toilet paper strewn around and piss here and there.
Of course it depends on the place. If you go to a subhuman district full of poor, disgusting people, you're going to see horrible shit on both bathrooms, but I can believe the women's side is more messy.

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youre assuming nothing bad would happen from them ignoring a suicide threat

That dude could be set for life... he's just retarded

What makes you think shit is the substance I want to see them excrete?


What a disgusting person

Of course nothing bad would happen you idiot, do you think you're responsible for a total stranger killing themselves just because you're doing something similar to them? If Walmart opened up in a town in bumfuck nowhere and a shitty general store owner threatened to an hero if they didn't shut down and leave do you honestly think they'd listen or be held accountable for the actions of some nutjob? The only way the love sick devs would get in trouble was if they messaged him back do a flip

If his patreon cash runs out he's probably going to do it himself anyways

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Yes, because nothing bad would happen to them.

Id rather get a Ukrainian mail order bride

I'm confused at what I'm seeing. What's up with this suicide shit and does he have a point or not because what he's saying makes logical sense on paper.