”this game is awful“

>”this game is awful“
>”this widely praised game is bad I’m not a contrarian”
Shut the fuck up. I see people on this board call good games bad and mediocre games a dumpster fire. I can assure you that none of them come close the suffering that comes from playing pic related. Not even garbage like Sticker Star could even dream of being this bad.

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I loved that game when i rent it, it was one of the first game on wii that felt like it looked better than a gamecube game, godamn i hated the wii

Secret Rings fucking sucks but am I weird for liking black knight. It's not great but I had a lot of fun after getting it for a literal dollar on sale

People just like Sonic as a series so he gets a pass. The Sonic series for its first 10 years is some seriously inspired stuff, even if you dislike it you can't deny its impact.

I liked secret ring story alot better than black knight. Its pretty dumb for sega not to add classic controller or gamecube controller support for both games. The two story book games are not shit but very flawed for your average normal fag to tolerate.

One of the most kino fights in all of vidya

Attached: SatSR-Alf-Layla-wa-Layla.png (853x480, 501.08K)

>Its pretty dumb for sega not to add classic controller or gamecube controller support for both games.
This, although I wonder if that was more of a Nintendo-enforced thing. Then again Colors came out a year after Black Knight and had support for a bunch of different controller types, so I guess it was just incompetence, as always.

What's wrong with it? Does it have to do anything with the controls? If so, delete this thread; you're just screaming into an echo chamber.

I never even played this game. how bad is it


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This was the game that turned me from a genuine Sonic fan into a jaded Sonic fan. I knew I was getting a Wii before getting the other consoles so I was super excited to play this game, I mean it's a brand new awesome Sonic game only for the console I have, what could possibly go wrong? I rented it, played it for like three hours, and gave up. My genuine love for Sonic almost immediately faded. I gave up hope. I knew Sonic '06 was a dumpster fire, I didn't like Shadow, I saw how bad Sonic Genesis for GBA was, and now the cool new Wii Sonic game was garbage too. It was time to give up.
Of course I never did truly give up on Sonic, it's just the kind of franchise you can never truly escape, like being a wrestling fan. Even when it sucks, you still kind of keep up with it and you don't really know why. But my days of actually loving the franchise unironically ended right then and there.

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>What's wrong with it? Does it have to do anything with the controls? If so, delete this thread; you're just screaming into an echo chamber.
If a criticism is that widespread, maybe it's a sign that it's a serious problem with the game that can't just be ignored.

It's pretty bad. It feels very careless like they wanted to have a Sonic game released near the Wii's launch regardless of the quality. Everything about it feels like it was made in a single year. 06 was a disaster, but it clearly had a way longer development cycle

So there's no other complaints besides "He doesn't stop running!!1!"? Okay.

Never played, but saw some shit. This was the start of Kishimoto, the one that is fucking the franchise for the past 15 years everytime he is the one in charge.

This game's structure is a fucking mess. You're never told which missions are mandatory or which ones are optional, so you're never quite sure if you're wasting time or not. There are only 7 stages, so the level variety is minimum. Everytime you finish a mission, no matter how short, you're kicked back to the mission select screen, so you'll hear the same music everytime ( it's even the mission clear track ) It's all very repetitive, disjointed and irritating

I'm not going to say its a 10/10 but honestly, why does Zig Forums hate Secret ringe/black kngiht so much? The RPG mechanics and the gameplay are fun, they're just not what you'd expect from a sonic game. Not to mention the Multiplayer mode absolutely kicked ass in secret rings.

What if I told you that a single design flaw could be so major that it could ruin an entire game? And what if I told you that criticisms don't become less valid just because they're said often?

The storybook spinoffs were fantastic in every regard except for gameplay which was abysmal. I remember seeing a video of some guy reviewing SatBK by playing through a level with his back turned by waggling and jumping.
That said, SatBK has some fucking TUNES.

We get it OP, you're doing the contrarian "I talk about game bad so people will defend it" schtick.

...Who the heck are you?

This game's missions are so retarded and arbitrary that it makes Shadow the Hedgehog's missions look good. Like, Shadow had some dumb missions, but ig didn't have shit like : Don't get hit even once, Don't lose a life, Don't defeat a single enemy, Don't break anything, etc. Shadow also gave you reasons of why you're doing those missions, whereas Secret Rings never does. The missions feel like a lame attempt to reuse chunks of level design instead of creating multiple acts. It's very thinly spread

I liked it. The controls are obtuse but its defined the running segments of modern sonic.

OP never got far enough, using the lvl 80 fire and dark ring powers to breeze through levels and beat your times is kino as fuck.

this shit left my pecs sore for like three days

The multiplayer wasn't even made by Sonic Team. It was outsourced to a different developer

I will admit that the Get to the Goal stages can be fun once you level up and memorize the layouts, and the few bosses there are are kinda fun as well. It's the missions and overall game structure which bring it down


>could be so major that it could ruin an entire game?
But it isn't, you're just picky because it doesn't play like a traditional Sonic game. Otherwise, you'd have few more criticisms.

I wish they would use him again or use him in the comics. He's a demon so powerful that trying to enter Sonic's reality even though he doesn't actually exist, he's fiction. He is not some eldritch thing he is literally just words in a book.

That's some Doom Patrol level shit.

Attached: doom-patrol-1555063759.jpg (2000x2002, 593.9K)

>non-stop running, like on rails
>corridor levels
>A BUNCH of acts/missions for each stage that are 2 minute long or less
>blocky sections
>Sonic abilities downgraded for stupid gimmicks
>gameplay issues and unpolished
>same type of final boss

Secret Rings, Black Knight, Colors, Lost World, Forces.

06 is unironically a more engaging game. Not only because it's so fascinatingly bad, but also because it keeps throwing new gameplay styles as you progress, so the player is kept engaged in a certain way. Secret Rings shows everything it has to offer in the first stage, so it's a lot more bland as a result. Both games are bad, but 06 is bad in a more engaging and interesting way

Those last three dont play like the storybook games at all, so no idea what you're on. Only thing colors is guilty of is having unimaginative bosses reused twice over to pad out the game.

This game and 06 belong in that mid 200s era in which Sega didn't care about quality in the slightest. Now, Shadow and Riders were very flawed, but they were still polished, playable games that were play tested, unlike 06 and Secret Rings. Things didn't improve until Unleashed

It's such a shame how Iizuka wasn't around in japan to help with 06 and Secret Rings's development. He was on america directing Shadow and Nights 2 around that time. He returned to japan in early 2008, during Unleashed's development

The structure and the flaws are the same exact thing in all those games. The only difference is the wagglan in the wii versions to regular gameplay.

>The structure and the flaws are the same exact thing in all those games
Colors is Sonic rush 3. your argument is invalid.