pc can finally finish the fight
pc can finally finish the fight
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More like 13 years too late lmao
I fucking miss good halo trailers so goddamn much
We did it PC bros! 12 years, 9 months, 18 days late to the party but we finally got it. Haha, thanks for beta testing it 360 niggers.
You've got it wrong user, we are going to be playing the Beta version.
The one on 360 was the final one.
Someone needs to make a full meme with that image and H3 coming to PC 12 years late.
Why does it look so bad for a remake compared to 2 and 1? The fuck happened?
the believe trailer campaign is incredible it makes the covenant war feel like it actually happened.
You have to be 18 to post here fuck off Halo fags
Way to out yourself as a newfag, Zig Forums was always a pro-H3 board.
they didnt touch the graphics for 3, only minor improvements like background paintings for a few cutscenes
halo 3 came out almost 13 years ago and halo ce almost 19
>1.6 GB update
Is OP not a fag for once?
I got you senpai
Halo fags were never allowed here don’t kid yourself
Is there even a fucking way to do coop with randoms? If that's not a thing then they fucked up.
That's actually neat.
b-bros...we're finally home
good thing i can disable that
best idea that 343 has ever had
>windows store is downloading the entire game again instead of just the patch
>slow download speed on windows store
fuck me for having game pass and not just buying this shit on steam
yeah the devs said that it was pretty much needed because on the 360 everyone was playing on a shitty tv but on a 4k or even 1080p monitor it looked like vomit
its 6 games for like $40 how cheap can you get to use gamepass on mcc
Anyone having trouble with connecting to matchmaking or co-op online?
it was never a thing before, you can use the official halo discord to find people if you really want to
i just get a "Contacting Server" message and nothing happens
I still have another year of it leftover from converting Xbox live gold to gamepass, didn't get it just for halo otherwise I would never deal with the windows store
Not even memeing here, I like the smoother looking style of the left image even though the jaggies and low resolution hurt it. Like it looks like metal that was not just shattered but also partially melted, got a kind of volcanic flow to it. There's also more smoking plumes on the left, making the destruction look like it reaches the mountains and beyond.
Yes, these are the tiniest of nitpicks and no I don't think it really impacts the quality of the game.
>t. halofags
The game that ruined FPS made its return on PC? Pass.
pic related
>Comes into a thread only to show off how much dick he has sucked.
What's it like being this gay?
>Regenerating health
>6s hangtime on jumps
>linear gameplay and map design
Yeah man, I'm trolling..