The switch is dead. Do you feel buyers remorse?
The switch is dead. Do you feel buyers remorse?
I just played Xenoblade 2 for 30 hours straight.
No I don't have buyer's remorse. It's sold out everywhere and I can't buy it.
Just played 100 hours of Xenoblade 1, Wonderful 101 was pretty cool. Might try TWEWY haven't played that. Not feeling it but you think what you want
>Wonderful 101
You don't have to pretend to like this garbage. The only reason people ever pretended it was good was because of the exclusivity. Game is pure crap.
TWEWY is also crap on Switch.
I want to hack it but I don't have a good SD card (I imagine they need to be big enough to fit a game) and I can't go out or online shop one because I'm quarantined and neet
A friendly reminder that the Switch will outsell the PS5 and Xbox SeX combined this holiday season.
i only have smash
No shit Sony already said that they won't have many at launch. PS4 was hard to find for the first six months.
TWEWY has a really cool story and interesting gameplay but I've only ever played it on DS. The Switch version is supposed to be somewhat different.
No, anti-shill.
Little bit. Now I’m exploring indies. Might try hollow knight. Might not. Should i?
It was fun not sure what to tell you man. I've been a platinum shill for years though.
Yeah it seems interesting but my 3ds broke and I don't feel like getting a new one for a DS game
Lol, no.
>catherine full body
>deadly premonition 2
>bloodstained: curse of the moon 2
>story of seasons: friends of mineral town
>fairy tail
>bravely default 2
>no more heroes 3
>fae tactics
>sports story
>botw 2
The Switch library is stacked this year, and it's by far my favorite platform to play on.
>Do you feel buyers remorse?
Nope, still working through the games on it and having a blast
And when I'm done, hopefully Bravely Default 2 will be out and SMTV will have teased some more stuff.
What I currently have physically(pic related). I do have plenty of games I have digitally such as Xwnoblade 1 and 2, Hyrule Warriors, Fire Emblem Warriors, Project Diva Mega Mix, Pirate Warriors 3, Deadly Premonition 1 and 2, Mario and Sonic Olympics 2020, DKC Tropical Freeze, Turok 1 and 2, Gun Gun Pixies, and many others.
Nah, bought one back in May and it's pretty cool. I still have plenty of games to play and it can do some other cool shit like run Moonlight and turn into a handheld which I can play PC games on as well.
Just emulating and playing indie qnd old ass games
well this thread backfired
this is possibly the shittiest taste i've seen on this website
Yeah. I own one. It's a Slay the Spire machine.
The second StS comes out on Android, it's getting sold. The exclusives suck and the multiplats are the worst in every conceivable way due to it being underpowered. It can't even run Risk of Rain 2 decently. Hell, StS stutters when bosses load.
Fuck the Switch. What a waste of $350.
I got it last week. Passed Shield(had a blast) now letting my brother pass shield. I’m playing Devil Survivor 2 right now on my 3ds but thinking of playing Xenoblade chronicles 2 eventually on the switch. Tried the first one on my hack 3ds but my eyes hurt with the graphics and small letters even on a xl. The combat seemed fun so I want to play it at least on the switch
is catherine good. i dont like puzzles generally but it seems kind of neat
Nah, man.
I finally got around to playing Astral Chain, and that game is great.
Thankfully I only own a Sony PlayStation 4. Can't wait for the Sony PlayStation 5!
>Omega Laberynth
Is that game even good? All I've seen of it is a BE mechanic.
All soi. Just give up switchy. Sony will take you in if you sell your shitch. The Sony PlayStation 4 is a wonderful console.
I play smash every day.
No because I have got 1000+ hours of gameplay out of it and I've never even paid for a single game. Good investment.
If you like dungeon crawlers, you will like this game.
its qbert for coomers
It's pretty good, might want to play on easy if you don't want to get aggravated, i also can't comment on the performance as i played it on a different platform.
At first glance it kind of looks like a platformer, but it's absolutely a puzzle game, so it might not be your taste. Everyone who played the original will tell you that Fullbody is a terrible version, but it's really good and plays great on the Switch.
>none of your game count because i personally don't like them
Every. Fucking. Time.
Eh, the Switch is fine, but the PS4 is a lot better (i'm a Nintendo fan btw)
It's the most SOULful console ever created. Maybe the DS can compete but barely. If you don't own a switch, I feel sorry for you because all the shortages mean you probably never will and that's sad.
What even is there to play on the PS4 that isn't on Switch? I kind of want to pick one up on sale for FF7R, but there doesn't really seem to be much else. Not interested in movie games.
oKAY GUYS it's DEAD NOW you can all stop PLAYING IT
If you go physical on the Switch, do you still have a nice game library screen with all your games?
Yeah the titles all still appear on your home menu, you just need to put the cartridge in to play it. Overall Switch's UI is pretty similar to PS4's except not dogshit.
So just qbert?
Aside from Story of Seasons, Fairy Tale, and possibly No More Heroes, all of those games are pretty much guaranteed to be great.