What the fuck was her problem?

What the fuck was her problem?

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she found a nice rotten bed to lie upon

Slutty nun

her feet weren't on my face

but she is sitting in a chair

told the ashen one to leave and he didn't listen

figuratively speaking

her puss puss smelled bad so mr ash was all 'you need to clean this up jannies' and showed her heat or something but she was mad so they fought and she lost everything went on fire the end
also something about dark soul ink idk

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Lady Maria was popular and the only thing the DaS3 team wanted to do was regurgitate as many things people liked from their other games as possible.

idk why people piss on 3 for doing this, sure they went a bit over the top with it but i thought it was fine

I dont remember lady maria having a giant partner with a chair tied up to his ass using a giant bowl as a weapon

still can't beat her final form bros


Because it was the latest game yet it had the least amount of improvements and the most amount of reused ideas

cute feet

i honestly cant remember, are there even any brown characters in the soulsborne series at all?

What’s the joke here?

Any feet pics?

why does she want to preserve the decay of the painting again

no shoes

What face did you make when you went all the way around the land and popped out of that door in the church?

I see, really appreciate you spelling it out for me. I’d argue that almost everyone blames somebody other than themselves for their shortcomings and so black people being stupid isn’t much of a punchline to me. That and the fact that we assume Friede is a victim when she knows there are antagonists to her cause.

You the real mvp tho.


You're the one who snuck into her world and started lighting it on fire. I honestly cant think if a better way of saying "leave me alone" than literally disappearing into a mysterious painting.

well wtf am i supposed to do? you dont get anything for leaving her alone and she offered nothing of real value except a stupid useless ring
like no one fucking cares about frost damage

shit story
write another

a life of celibate does that to you, when you agree with it.
JuST iMAgInE WHAt It DoeS WHEN yoU DOnT...

You are.

taking a vow of celibacy probably will make you go insane, she longing for the bbc

Maria game when?
You could have a part where her boots get waterlogged walking through the swamp and she goes around barefoot for the rest of the game wouldn’t that be wacky haha

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Slave Knight Gael and his iconic red hood

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>sneak into someone's home
>they catch you and politely ask you to leave
>even give you some free shit
>proceed to murder your way through the world and kill her last companion
>still politely asks you to reconsider going to the basement to kill a priest
>attempt to kill priest anyway
>"What the fuck was her problem?"

>first phase has so little hp and just gets stunlocked
>2nd phase has giant slow as hitbox that you can hit and completely ignore her
>3rd phase gets stunned like 1st phase and you can just roll behind her and backstab to infinity
Ariandel was so bad. I fucking hate ds3 dlc while love ds2 and 1 dlc

hey man it's a valid question considering the player just keeps coming back to her over and over

shes got some 'dark soles'....

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