Games Zig Forums cannot discuss normally

Games Zig Forums cannot discuss normally

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all of them
this place is a shithole

Once the game is out..

little girls

There's no game yet and I doubt there even will be any gameplay, now we only have a generic looking loli.

I blame her hyper detailed feet

That's asking a lot from a group of autistic pedophile degenerates.

That's asking a lot from a group of autistic pedophile degenerates.

Trannies don't deserve the right to live.

Neither do pedos :^)

Ignoring the cute and funny stuff, there really isn't a lot to discuss since we don't have any info beyond what is shown in the reveal trailer.
We don't know what genre this game is or how it plays.

Blame japs and their loli bait.

This looks like Heavy Rain.

>Once the game is out..
Zig Forums gets nuked for good for being a potential pedo ring


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How can I discuss a game that doesn’t even have any info about gameplay available

Because there is nothing to discuss about yet.

>calling your game πράγματα

What games can this shitty board discuss normally?

The loli is all we know about thats worth discussing though.

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nothing is known about this game, except that it might have cute elements and funny passages, so what exactly are you expecting?

Almost every game. Some suffer less from Zig Forums's epic contrarianism like Resident Evil games or most JRPG's. But there's always some dumb faggot who just doesn't want to discuss things in remotely good faith and ruins everything.

this playstation exclusive looks good

>Games Zig Forums cannot discuss normally

theres nothing to discuss but a shitty kojima ripoff trailer. no gameplay so technically its not a game yet.


It'll be worse once it's out

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Kojima is the Japanese Dan Schneider. Feet fetishism is the safest way to be a pedophile, since looking at cute girls feet is totally normal!

>he doesnt know

hello newfren

>blue eyes
>walks around on barefoot
What`s not to like?

>I started browsing after 2016 the post



True, you can even put them in your mouth and lick them and pretend you were just playing.
