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Dutch I've just put 15 thousand dollars in that little box

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wow what an amazing plot

>longtime member of the gang gets shot in front of you
>WHO IS BETRAYING ME?!?!?!?!?!?!?

>Bill graciously put down 2.76 dollars
Step up Arthur

Why is there such an influx of RDR2 threads lately?

>1 day later
Haven't seen you put much in the box recently Arthur, you need to work, people look up to you :/

>Uncle donates a fucking owl feather

He has terminal lumbago and still pulls his weight, watch your mouth

>Video games
>On a video game board
>And actual good video game
We just don't know man

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Because it's the only good vidya game made in the past decade boah. Zig Forums is a RDR board mister.

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Why couldn't Arthur simply have some goddamn faith?

Post your cowpoke

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I wish hats became a thing again, but I doubt they ever will.

>tfw thinking of replaying RDR2 on PC just for Dolly Dress Up Simulator w/Arthur
Should I?

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Do it

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It's tuesday today, can't wait to see what exciting news Red Dead Online is serbing for us

Hopefully more discounts for all the shit I have already bought.

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So did Dutch really go off the rails just because he bonked his head or is it just a meme

>Red dead: Buy gold with real world money simulator

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Max lotionless length hair and beard with bear head hat is the only canon Arthur.

That and Hosea dying. Supposedly.

The head injury probably didn't help. But he would have gone off the deep end eventually regardless - the ego was always there.

that probably just sped up his mind's deterioration

For me, it's mustache Arthur with light stubble and long, parted hair

>Not stubble pomade rugged cowboy look arthur

I paid $1000+ on upgrades out of pocket and just because I didn't pay it into the pot first they instantly started flaming me for not contributing

>Some drunk whore plans a bank robbery better then Dutch

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