Is any hope left for Darkstalkers?
Is any hope left for Darkstalkers?
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No, and that's a good thing.
How do i stop fapping bros?
None, people don’t actually play Darkstalkers, all of its novel mechanics were taken by the Versus series, as long Morrigan keeps appearing in crossovers people who just fap at her will be satisfied.
cut ur dick off
play vidya
eat chicken tendies
become the gf and let me fuck ur boipussy
read a book
watch a movie
>sticc Lilith
Shes canonically thick as fuck. Bigger ass than Morrigan.
so plump
>you can literally see muscle development on her legs in first frames
How thick are we talking?
It really is. Even if we got one it would most definitely be a piece of shit like SF5.
Im really surprised there is no steam port yet, especially the chaos tower.
cant even emulate that on ppsspp properly, so I would spend money on that port.
I honestly don't give a shit if it would be crap or not. But I wouldn't hold my breath on that at all.
TBF I have been trying to maybe do a fan tribute project on Darkstalkers' monster design philosophy with a bit of Red Earth's aesthetic.
Respect to the thick Lilith bros.
Vs series doesn't gaurd cancel or Dark Force and they only gave C.Viper EX moves in MvC3 yet not any of the Darkstalkers girls. But yes many of Darkstalkers mechanics live on in most anime fighters and thats a good thing.
Yeah they should just port the games with rollback but I'm not sure anyone would really buy or play it since Fightcade exist though.
Oh it's you again fan game user. How you been.
God I'd want to lay my head in her lap.
What else would you do if she was real user?
Well, I'd like to feel up her thighs and butt, I bet they are great
Yeah, here.
*unzips cock*
Those certainly are her charm points, but surely you can think of something else to do with a bottom heavy Succubus?
what a slut!
Any tips for a beginner?
Jeez user what did you do to get the ability to zip and unzip your cock.
There's a lot of things... but I'd like to start with a thigh job, specially to see her covered up
I'd made her split up into two. Rimming her ass passionatelly and made her clone/herself passionately rimming mine for hours
Play her game.
can I just fap to her instead?
Learn the basics before jumping into any of the heavy execution shit. Learn your character's movement, normals and basic BnBs. Afterwards you can jump into how to use meter, pushblock and your more difficult combos. If you don't have a character yet I recommend Sasquatch, Felicia, Talbain and/or Demitri. Morrigan is also decently easy since she's a shoto but she's bad so don't know if she'd be worth it.
Use the wiki and download the training room mod it will help you immensenly: