Alright Zig Forums

Alright Zig Forums
Use your vidya knowledge to get to the other side!

Attached: dsfa.png (730x807, 604.07K)

Other urls found in this thread:

spindash to light speed

gonna swiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing

This will for sure get you to the other side bud

Attached: 1594798775410.png (730x807, 595.58K)


jump, catch the lamp and swing to the other side

hey hey I'm flying!

Attached: 20110625204146!RED_Atomizer.png (1058x956, 365.53K)

put down an extending ladder
(death stranding)

>Kidnap a jew
>throw him
>shoot him with a BMG in the aire
>he explodes into coins

cause its a fucking painting

Attached: il_570xN.1774413224_c5j4.jpg (570x499, 30.52K)