Did you build your own gaming PC?

Did you build your own gaming PC?

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Lads I'm going to be real with you here this is just a suspicion but I reckon that whatever is in that cardboard box is not actually computer parts at all

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No one cares. What is the picture from?

Source image is shit don't ask for it

What's in the box, user?

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Tha's what I said yesterday but it was actually four bottles of lube and a Tenga.

where do you get your lube from

I built my own gaming pc and bought some crossdressing stuff.

That's not what's in the box user.

Yes I did. Now delete your thread and never return.

my pet hagfish

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Yep, i think it was back in like the start of 2014, can't be assed to double check, still using it though, can't be assed to buy a new one when it still werks good enuff due my initial investment and taste in games.

>my 14 pound pussy/ass toy came in the mail the other day
>mom puts it in front of my door cause im sleeping still
>what did you order dear?
>some clothes and a water bottle haha...

That was close. Some people are noisy af and just open your mail or packages

>tfw bought bad dragon lube one day
>it arrived, I was still sleeping, mom opened package and saw it
>offered to let me use her dildo if I wanted
still think about that sometimes

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your mom sounds based

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Why wouldnt you just get a regular water based lube?

Nice larp

she is yeah
it was during a christmas sale and I wanted to try it out

I'd handle her ram if you know what i mean

is bd lube better than other lube?

You and me both bro, I'll bet she supports dual channel.

feels a bit better than other water based lubes yeah
not a larp swear on me life she did

Tranny thread

Why weren't you already using her dildo?

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Almost. Just need storage, a cpu cooler, graphics card, and a USB 2.0 header for my hue+

Just use olive oil

I'm ashamed to say that I chickened out and paid a shop to put the parts together for me.

Do Italians really

>buy dragon dildos
>europe so international shipping
>shipment handling are required to label the contents
>this is supposed to be some vague description
>"contents: silicone massagers"